The Second kingdom: The water kingdom or the Sea Kings Domain. It is ruled by the ancient blood line of Livyotan Mevillei the largest sea creature known to man. Currently ruled by Dustan Uiscr. His wife Claira died from an assassination she was a black short face bear, and king Kazius's little sister. Their off spring are Gladius (Boy) age 18, and Jacob (Boy) age 10. Next in line is Gladius.

The Third Kingdom: The Ice Kingdom, or The Artic Domain. Ruled by the long blood line of large black short face bears the largest bear existing. The kingdom is currently ruled by Kazius and Kysa Medved. Kazius is the black short face bear, and Kysa who is a polar bear. Their off spring are Jade (Girl) age 15, and Parker (Girl) age 9. Next in line is Jade.

The Fourth Kingdom: The Jungle Kingdom, or The Tropic Domain. The kingdom is ruled by the great Liger. The current rulers are Andrew and Nyx Kal. Andrew is a Jaguar and Nyx is the great Liger. Their off spring is Bethany (Girl) age 17. Ran away at age 13 status is unknown. Next in line is to soon to call.

The Fifth Kingdom: The Desert Kingdom, or The Barren Oasis Domain. The kingdom is ruled but great Coyotes. The current rulers are Magnus and Alixei McCall. Magnus is Desert fox and Alixei is the great coyote. Their off spring are Godfrey (Boy) age 22, and Ronin (Boy) age 19. Next in line is Godfrey.

The Sixth Kingdom: The Air Kingdom, or The Avian Domain. The kingdom is ruled by the great Bearded Vulture. The current rulers are Død and Davina Mason. Død is the Bearded Vulture and Davina is a Harpy Eagle. Their off spring are Mørk (Boy/Twin) age 19, and Marcia (Girl/Twin) age 19. Next in line was Marcia but both of them ran away at age 13, status is unknown, to soon to call.

The Seventh Kingdom: The Forest Kingdom, or The Greenland Domain. Is ruled by the White lycanthrope​. Currently ruled by Malcom and Sierra Greene. Malcom is the White Lycanthrope and Sierra is a Black wolf that had the status of an Omega. Their off spring are Marcus (Boy) age 20 ran away at age 10 never met his younger brother, Daxton (Boy) age 10. Next in line is Daxton at the moment.

Finally The Eighth Kingdom: The Mountain Kingdom, or The Rocky Domain. The kingdom Is ruled by the Megalictis Ferox or the Great weasel. The current rulers are Jace and Raine Payton. Jace is Megalictis Ferox and Raine is a Honey Badger. Their off spring are Chastity (Girl) age 19, Next in line for the thrown.

You have to have at least 50% royal chosen blood and you have to find your mate or you can't be a ruler.

Every chosen has a match, human or chosen. The law is when you turn seventeen you have to have your blood tested to see if you have a match, its rare if you don't. Sometimes in serious situations they are forced to find them before seventeen.

Its not like we can't find our match on our own its just it takes longer to find them they have a distinct smell that only you are attracted to. Its you're destiny to find them, but the thing is I don't want a match. I want freedom not a relationship or mate that will tie me down forever. So this​ is where I'm going to start my story.

Sieben (July), 28, 2804

"Alethea Cage. . . is Alethea Cage present?" I slowly stood up as the nurse called my name. "Present" I said sheepishly. "Ah princess come this way," she said as she ushered me through the hospital halls. As we walk the only thought raging through my head is of the last five hours.
Five hours ago

"Seventeen, one more year and I can leave this hell hole" I sighed. "ALETHEA!" My father called, I slid out of bed groggily, I put on a short red bride empire dress with my pink rose flower crown and my bright green stilettos.
Its formal for a royal chosen to wear a belt and a sash with the kingdoms crest (the great animal that rules over that domain) and my family is lucky enough to have red and gold as our colors.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2017 ⏰

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