The Decision Has Been Made

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  You were walking home from school with tears rolling down your face,why?You just lost your friend that you thought that you could trust,but she betrayed you...She had made your life miserable,she started to pick on you,laugh at you,and worst of all,hurt you.Your parents weren't home since it was Friday,they go out on Fridays(anyone get that Fran Bow reference?).As you walk through your bedroom door,you see the Professor reading a book you gave him.He looks up and sees you,a crying mess.He closes his book,rushes off the bed,and approaches you."Y-Y/n!What happened?"He asked,worried and scared.You fall to your knees and cry more.He then gets on his knees as well as you explain what happened.Afterwards,he tried to comfort you by hugging you,which normally worked.Then,an idea popped into your head."Professor,"you say,breaking the silence."Yes,(Y/n)?" "I've made my decision,I want to go with you,to Kalos.Anywhere away from here." "R-Really?That's great!We can go right away if you like!" "Yes,lets."

~Time skip brought to you by the amazing Fennekins~

  You wake up in an unfamiliar bed.You get up and instantly realize where you were,you were at home.Not your old one,your new one in Kalos.You get dressed in the clothes provided and go outside to see Calem and Shauna."Hello neighbor."Calem says."Hi!"Shauna adds."Bonjour!"You beam."You must be (Y/n)!"Shauna exclaims."Yup,that's me!"You reply.You guys talk as you start to walk to the next town.You see your other new companions,Trevor and Tierno.You all talk and get to know each other when Shauna pulls out the starter pokemon for you to chose.'I can't believe it!It's finally happening!'You thought with a grin as you pick (s/p) (starter pokemon).Normally,they would've handed you the letter,but you have no one to take it to,so you go ahead and start to walk to the grass only to be stopped by Shauna,as she challenges you to a battle,which you happily accept.

~After beating Shauna~ 

  "Man (Y/n)!You're gonna be a great pokemon trainer!No doubt!"Shauna beams even though she lost.Then Calem shows you how to catch a pokemon even though you know how and hands you some pokeballs.The first pokemon you catch is a Fletchling!Then you head into the forest and battle some pokemon,and then when you encounter a new pokemon,you were happy to hear this cry,"Pika Pika!"You then weaken it and catch yourself an adorable Pikachu!'Aww,how cute!'You think,looking at Pikachu's pokeball.You are loving this new life!

[OLD] Broken out of Reality(Professor Sycamore x Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu