She leaves Alec to finish making breakfast because she knows that he doesn't like it when she tries to help. He likes to do things on his own and it irritates him a little because sometimes she gets in the way on accident.

Ember excitedly tells her about how much food her daddy made her and how good it was and Mary listens with her hand under her chin and a bright smile on her lips. The day that she's expected has already turned on its head and she's looking forward to the hours that remain.

In a matter of minutes, Alec's handing her a plate of pancakes topped with strawberries and loads of maple syrup and Mary's amazed that he remembers her favorite breakfast after being away for so long.

She doesn't say anything about it though because she knows that it might ruin his mood and she'd like him to continue being the Alec that she remembers for as long as possible. He makes himself a stack and sits across from her only to surprise her again by holding her hand from across the island.

It feels like it was when they were just married and she really hopes that Alec isn't just playing with her heart because he's bored. Breakfast feels like it ends far too quickly and Mary's helping Alec with the dishes only to spend some more time with him because she misses him so much more than she thinks that he knows.

Ember's upstairs trying to put on clothes for the adventure she knows is coming, but Mary's still at a loss for what else Alec's got up his sleeve.

"So, what's little miss Ember so excited about that she practically teleported to her bedroom?"

Alec laughs as he hands her another dish to dry, "We're taking her to the zoo. She was going on and on about that movie you let her watch and all the animals, so I thought it would be nice to let her see some exotic animals in person."

Mary's eyes light up because she loves the zoo and she loves that Alec thought of the idea just because she was telling him how she liked the animals in Tarzan.

She stops drying dishes because she can't help but to stare at him with bright eyes and a matching smile. She's been waiting to see this side of him again for what felt like an eternity and she's still a little amazed that it's happening.

Alec goes to hand her another clean plate and catches her staring. The corners of his lips quirk up and into an incredibly cute smile, "What?"

Mary shakes her head, "Nothing. You're just...I've missed this so much."

His expression softens considerably because he knows that she's not overlooking his affair just because he's home and acting like himself again, "I know. I'm sorry, Mary."

He puts the dish back in the sink and wraps his arms around her, his lips pressing to the top of her head. She wants to tell him not to tell her that he's sorry unless he really means it, but she can't seem to find her voice and instead hugs him tightly in hopes that he'll stay.

Alec gently sways her back and forth for a little while before finally pulling away and offering her a soft smile, "I'll finish this. How about you go upstairs and get ready for the day and let me take care of Ember?"

She hesitates because she loves helping her little girl pick out her clothes and making her laugh while she does so, but this gives her an opportunity to spend more time in the shower and actually wear the clothes and makeup that she wants without having to rush and pick something.

"Are you sure? She's really indecisive."

He laughs lightly and nods, "Yes, I'm sure."

Mary bites her lip for a moment before deciding that it won't hurt to take some time for herself for once. Ember's been dying to spend time with him anyway and she'll love showing him her new collection of outfits that she got for Christmas.

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