I dont bite

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Tinista_Marichat left a comment on one my story Forever and gave me this idea hope you enjoy 😊
For anyone who hasn't read it Esteban is a character I made up for Forever who has the turtle miraculous

Adrien PoV

It seemed crazy that master Fu had given his miraculous to Esteban with his Italian accent that girls apparently loved. Pfft he's not that great, wait... what if Mari likes him? Nah... I'm just being stupid and that was when he entered.

"Everyone we have a new student, please welcome Esteban" she gestured for him to sit next to Marinette until Alya got back from her holiday. He sat down extremely close to Marinette. Has this guy never heard of a thing we call personal space?

Marinette moves away slightly, clearly uncomfortable. Our teacher left the room to talk to the principal "I'll be back shortly, make sure Esteban is made welcome here"

"Hey, I'm Esteban" he smiled at Marinette. I could handle a smile, he was just being friendly, right? "Marinette" she replied shuffling a tiny bit further away.

"I don't bite you know" he replied noticing her move away. That did it. I slammed my fist on my desk "I do" I said before even thinking about what I was saying. They both turned around shocked. Then I noticed everyone was looking at me.

Nino had started filming, probably so he could show Alya what she had missed. "I know you're new so you don't know, but you see, Marinette is taken" my mouth was going off without my brain again but if I were to stand up for my girl I wasn't going to do half a job. "Now I'm sure you wouldn't want to put Mari here in a difficult situation so as her boyfriend I'm asking you to tone it down and leave her alone"

He turned back around and looked down at the desk before slowly moving away giving Mari her space. I smiled to myself, I had done my job right.

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