Ch. 3- A Little Closer Now

Start from the beginning

I checked my phone. 2:22. Right as I saw that, I heard Alainey say under her breath “I wish they’d show up already”.

Just then, we heard the far off sounds of very loud laughter. I perked my head up. I knew those laughs. It could only be coming from two people. Niall Horan and Harry Styles.

My heart pounded. They were here. They were in the same building as me, and in about 30 seconds, they were about to be in the same room as me.

Don’t freak out, Cay, don’t freak out. You’re gonna be on tour with them for quite some time, don’t embarrass yourself.

Nothing I was telling myself worked. My heart was practically jumping out of my chest. I bet Alainey could even see it. But she was just as distracted by the laughter as I was. We looked at each other, then back to the door. It opened.

The first to step in the room was Zayn and Liam, followed by Louis. The door closed, then opened again for Niall and the most perfect person I’d ever laid eyes on.

Harry Styles.

The boys walked around, greeting each team member with loud “ayyyyy”’s and lots of fist bumps. They got to our side of the room and stopped. Liam spoke up.

"You girls! You’re here! That’s so awesome! It’s so great to finally meet you” his accent was even more beautiful in person.

Ok Cayls, all you gotta do is respond. Think you can do that?

“Um..” act quick Cayley, act quick. But don’t be stupid! “Yeah, it’s so awesome finally seeing you guys in person and not just on my laptop background”. Well… not exactly what I rehearsed. They laughed. Ok, could’ve been worse. “I’m Cayley, nice to meet you boys.” I waved.

They all said hello in their own perfect voices. Alainey introduced herself also, and then the boys sat in the chairs placed next to ours.

“I really just wanna say thanks for inviting us to tour with you guys. I’m SO excited for this! I can’t thank you boys enough.” I managed to say.

“Oh, it’s nothing. You girls are really talented, and we’re the excited ones!” Liam smiled.

Maybe talking to these 5 superstars was easier than I thought it would be. I didn’t exactly act badass during our conversation, but I wasn’t embarrassing myself. Which was really good. We all talked for a few minutes about the cities we’d be heading to, then Steven, our manager, came over. He told us it was time for us to run our set.

Since we were the openers to the opening act, we were only given a short amount of time, but that was fine by us. We had 4 songs prepared, 3 originals and 1 cover, Ho Hey by the Lumineers. The song was a little overplayed and got annoying, but everyone knew it and could sing along.

I was terrified at first to play in front of the boys, they were so natural up on stage and I really didn’t think I was. But if there’s one compliment people have always told me, it’s that I look like I belong on stage. Not cuz I’m pretty or anything, but cuz I’ve always had a love of being in front of a crowd, whether it be to lead a group of people, or to sing or dance or act or even walk around being an idiot.

My nerves calmed by the end of the 1st song, and I remembered why I had such a love for preforming. It was just so much fun to be up on stage, dancing to our own music and belting every word of the songs I got to write myself. It was such an incredible feeling. By the end of our set, everyone was applauding. Even the boys.

“That was so awesome! You are so talented. Our fans are gonna love you” Louis said as I went to take my seat. Wait… where’d my seat go? I looked around for an empty chair and found none, until I realized that Niall had taken two chairs to sprawl out on.

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