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Leo is already in class when Anna arrives, girls were sitting around her desk trying to flirt with him. She lowers her head and walks slowly over to her seat. It is fortunately unoccupied.

"Oh look, it's little orphan Annie!" Yoona scoffs as Anna sits down. She flicks Anna's dark red hair as Anna pulls out her books silently.

"You aren't going to speak?" Sunny giggles, "Oh wait, you can't."


"Oh wait, you can't," the annoying girl with the bright red hair giggles.

Anna doesn't respond. Leo glances at her, making sure he doesn't look concerned. What does this girl mean Anna can't talk? Her voice was fine when he spoke her.

"Get to your seats," the homeroom teacher, Mr. Rogers, orders.

"Have to go," one of the girls whispers to him, tracing his chest.

It takes all of his effort not to flinch. She grunts when he doesn't reply and struts away, her hips swaying. Mr. Rogers starts the lesson and Leo has trouble paying attention. His body hurt so much. His uncle was a bastard.

Normally, Leo would've slouched back in his seat during class. But he can't do that now, due to the large, circular burns on his back. So he sits up straight. Every once and a while, he'd glance over at Anna, but she was busy taking notes.

The bell chimes and she is the first one out of the classroom. Leo tries to follow her, liking her plan to avoid human interaction, but is stopped by three fit looking guys.

"I'm N, this is Ken and that's Hongbin," one introduces. He stares at them, not replying. N clears his throat before continuing, "Are you any good at sports? The football team needs new guys, most of the good players graduated last year."

Leo shakes his head. He was amazing at sports, but he was terrified of what his uncle would do to him. He lowers his head and passes them. Once he's out of sight, he sighs.

"Are you always this quiet?" A small voice asks from behind him. He whirls and sees Anna standing behind him, her books clutched tightly to her chest.

"I could ask the same for you," Leo replies coldly, he sees her flinch.

"I avoid speaking at all costs," she answers, "Even if I were to speak, I'd get talked over, ignored, and bullied for what I say. So I don't bother. Besides, people suck."

"Then why are you talking to me?" Leo inquires.

She tilts her head, "I don't know. There's something about you that makes me... well, comfortable. You intimidate me, but... I don't even know. I'm just ranting now."

Leo stares at her. She looked nice, her long dark waves were framing her face, making her green eyes pop. He breaks his gaze and looks at the lockers.

"We should get to class," he mutters.

"Yeah, we should."

She drops her head and scurries off. He sighs and walks to his next class.

After school, as he walks out, he sees her sitting alone on a bench. She was reading a book, her nose was scrunched in concentration. He walks over to her and rubs the nape of his neck.

"Are you waiting for someone?" He asks, she looks up at him and shakes her head.

"I wait until the parking lot has cleared out a bit so I don't get run over," she tells him.

"You walk home?" He asks, she nods.

"You've spoken to me more than you've spoken anywhere in general, why?"

The truth was, Leo didn't know why. Maybe he was crazy, but he felt almost safe around her. He mentally scolds himself.

'What are you doing, setting yourself up to be hurt? Just leave her, if you get attached she'll go and break your heart.'

"I don't know," he answers coldly and strides away.

Leo can feel her eyes drilling holes into his back, he forces himself to ignore them. He glances at his watch, he was running late due to that little detour. If he was going to make it back in time, he would have to run. But his body hurt so much... Leo shakes his head and sprints away, ignoring the pain.

He arrives back at the house with no time to spare. Luckily his uncle didn't seem to be home yet. He enters the mansion, sits down at the kitchen table, and starts on his homework.


Anna arrives at her home and enters quietly in case her grandfather was asleep. Sure enough, he was snoring on the couch. Anna smiles at him sadly and covers him with a blanket. He wasn't doing well and she knew she didn't have much time left with him. Before she was left to face the world alone. She sighs and starts to make dinner for them, glancing in every once and a while to check on him. Her mind drifts to Leo.

What was his issue? He was being reletivly kind one moment and the next moment he was colder than the north pole. Before she can dwell on it any further, she hears a voice calling her name.

"Andy?" Her grandfather calls, then bursts into a fit of coughing.

"Coming Grandfather!" She answers, and goes to him swiftly.

He smiles at her and brushes her hair away from her face.

"Andy, when are you going to bring a boy to me?" her grandfather stutters, "I don't have long..."

"Don't say that," she scolds gently, "I don't know when I'll bring a boy over, but believe me, he'll have your direct approval."

"Andy, don't sugarcoat it. I know I'm dying," her grandfather orders, pinching her cheeks as a punishment, "Do me a favor when you find someone."


"When you find someone, introduce him to your parents first before you bring him to me."

She smiles, tears filling her eyes. She nods, "I will Grandfather. I promise."

He strokes her cheek gently, "Good girl. Now, let's eat. Whatever you made smells good."

She nods again blinking back her tears.


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