I stood up and walked into the hallway. I dialled my dad's number, knowing my mum probably lost her phone again or just won't pick it up. He is still working, but I'm sure I can disturb for a minute. At least he'll know I won't be home for dinner.

When I end the call, I walk back into the living room, seeing the guys were in a very serious conversation. "-won't talk about it when she is around." Ashton says.

"Talk about what with whom around?" I ask them. Were they talking about me? Were they already keeping secrets from me?


*Luke's P.O.V.*

"Guys, can we agree on not telling her we're in a band? I don't want her to know. I'm afraid she'll walk away and never talks to us again or maybe she'll treat us differently." As soon as Kimberly is out of the room Michael speaks up. "I don't know about you guys, but I just want to be a 'normal person' for once. I mean, being known is amazing, a dream coming true, but I just want to be treated as Michael Clifford, not like this God that should be worshipped."

"I agree." I speak up. "I want to be friends with someone who likes me for who I am, not because I'm the lead singer of a band."

"Kimberly is a cool girl though. I don't think she would go all fangirl on us, just because we're in a band who also got inspired by her favourite bands- wait, if I put it like that, I'm afraid she would fangirl." Ashton piped up.

"But wouldn't she recognize us someday? I mean, we're getting more famous with the day." I asked. There is a chance, I mean, you just have to google our names and- BAM!

"Nah, we're not that known in Holland, anyway. Not yet, at least." Michael shrugged and waved his hand. "I think we'll be okay. And if she does, we'll probably be back home or in LA or London again."

"Do you think it's going to work?" I ask them yet again. I want to be sure she doesn't find out, even if it's just for a while. I want to get to know her as 'Luke', not as 'Luke Hemmings from 5 Seconds Of Summer'.

"Yeah, of course. We just have to make sure we won't talk about it while she is around." Ashton says.

"Talk about what with whom around?" Apparently Kimberly was back and she overheard us talking. We all looked at each other and shared a terrified glance in her direction.

"Oh shit! You heard us? Well, I'm afraid we'll have to tell you now." Michael says. What?! Is he serious? He was the one who came up with the plan! "We were fanboying over Kurt Cobain..." He says, looking down at the ground as if he's embarrassed.

Well played, Michael. It looked really believable, just saying.

"Really guys? Fanboying over dead people? I don't think that's very healthy. He would be way too old for you anyway. He could very easily be your dad, you know." She joked and walked over to the couch. She sat down and suddenly she looked very shocked and surprised. "You know what I just realised?" She asked.

We all looked at each other and shrugged nervously. We looked at her again and all mumbled a 'no'.

"I could be named after Kurt's sister! Kimberly Cobain! My parents were never really Nirvana fans, though, so I'll doubt they even know he had a sister, let alone calling me after her." She rambled a bit.

Awe, she's cute.

Wait, what?

I need coffee.

"So... Dinner?" She asked us.

"Yes! Also, I need coffee!" I said excitedly. She laughed and looked at the rest as if asking them if that was okay. They all let out sounds of agreement and stood up.

Guyfriends ~ Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now