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To all the Old Readers and Players that valiantly offered up their usernames to me almost 3 years ago, I dedicate this new version of Cursed Earth Online.

A lot of things have been changed and some of you, I have lost the data on due to a hacking incident that happened a long time ago.

But still, I hope that I can still reach you and have you read this.

I've decided to go back to my roots as a horror writer and make this less sci-fi and fantasy to usher in more carnage, violence, drama, intrigue and deaths that will shake the readers.

I humbly and sincerely apologize if some of you may be offended by the changes but please rest assured that it is all to make things more interesting.

Thank you all for staying with me and enjoy the story.

P.S. I will try as much as I can to release at least one chapter a week.

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