4-Good and Bad News

Start from the beginning

Elena's POV (GUESS NOW😋)

Stefan's news has made me feel... I don't even know what it's made me feel. I'm happy and proud of him because I know how hard he's worked for such an amazing opportunity like this. But on the other hand I'm crushed, I'm crushed because I know I won't be seeing him for four whole months. That's a lot of time, 16 weeks, about 120 days...
I have to stop myself from thinking about that because I know I'll start crying, and crying whilst putting mascara on doesn't help.
After finishing my make-up off, I curl my hair and finish it off with two braids pulled behind my head. I take my dress out of the wardrobe and put it on. I decide to wear a short, navy dress: simple but elegant. I glance over at the clock on the bed side table and see that I have 15 minutes left.
"You look very beautiful," I hear and turn my head to see Stefan leaning against the door frame.
"And you look very handsome," I say as I walk closer towards him. He smiles; I take his hands in mine and play with his fingers.
"I've called the hospital and let them know that I'm going," he says quietly. I nod, keeping my gaze down and fixed on our fingers. Thinking about Stefan leaving brings tears to my eyes but I can't bear Stefan to see me cry. It would be selfish of me to let him see me cry.
"Elena, look at me." I hear and feel two gentle fingers faintly touch my chin, gesturing my chin to lift. I can tell that my eyes are glazing over with tears, I don't want him to think that I don't want him to go.
"I'm sorry, this is a really big opportunity for you." I wipe away any tears threatening to fall.
"You know I don't have to leave, I can stay here." My head immediately perks up at his suggestion, there is no way I'm going to let him refuse this offer because of me.
"No way, you've worked way too hard on this to pass it up. I want you to go, even if it'll be hard for the both of us. You deserve an opportunity as amazing as this." I look at him sternly, hoping that I've made my point.
"You sure?" He asks quietly, and I smile at his frequent concern for me.
"I'm sure. You're going to get on that plane tomorrow and you're going to fly to Australia. You're going to help sick people and maybe see some kangaroos, and you're going to have the best time ever." Putting it this way makes me feel better about it, since it means that I know he'll be having a good time. He smiles softly, and I'm taking it that he's at ease with it himself.
"Shall we?" He asks as he holds his hand out for me to take.
"We shall," I reply with a smile on my face. He leads me down the stairs and to his car, ignites the engine and drives. I have absolutely no idea where we're going, but the fact that it's a surprise is making me feel really excited and happy.
He drives us and it only takes about 15 minutes but even before we arrive, I know where we're going. He's taking me to the restaurant we went to on our first date. Coming back here brings me back so many memories, so many happy memories.
"Nice choice in restaurant," I smirk as we get out of the car.
"I thought you'd like it," he comments back. He takes my hand in his before we walk inside together. We're seated pretty quickly and I notice that we're sitting at the same table that we sat in nearly six years ago.
"Everything looks the same, I love it." I smile, still holding his hands in my own.
"I'm glad you love it," he says before kissing my temple.
The waiter takes our order and within twenty minutes our food arrives. Being here again with Stefan makes everything so surreal because I never thought I'd share almost six years of my life with just one person. Because that person is Stefan makes everything so much better.
I'm not sure if it's just my paranoia, but I feel as if Stefan's becoming increasingly nervous. I want to ask him what's wrong but I think it might be best to wait until we're alone. After all, it could be the fact that he's leaving tomorrow.
When we finish, we pay and head off. Before we get into the car Stefan pulls me close before whispering in my ear.
"I have another surprise for you." I smile and giggle at two things: his touch and the fact that he's got another surprise for me. "But it does require walking." I look at him with a questioning expression, which he ignores, before he takes my hand and leads me down a footpath. I recognise this area well since we've been down here a few times in the past couple of years. It's a footpath that leads to a vast open field, it's so tranquil. We loved going at night because you can see the lights in the view.
We walk hand in hand down the foot path and despite it being quite a long walk, the view makes it so worth it. We stop to take it all in for a few minutes.
"Elena," he says. "I have something to ask you." I look up to his face, his sweet, beautiful face. He looks nervous and scared, but I don't know why.
"You've been the most important part of my life for the past six years. Meeting you, falling in love with you, being with you, they've all been the best experiences of my life. I cannot begin to explain to you how much you mean to me, but what I can tell you that I will be here everyday for the rest of my life. I love you with all of my heart, Elena." He gets down on one knee and my breath catches in my throat.
"So, Elena Marie Gilbert. Will you do me the honour of marrying me?"
I'm literally in tears. I'm having trouble believing my eyes.
"Of course I will," I say before he smiles with a sense of relief. He slides the gorgeous engagement ring onto my finger before standing up. I still haven't processed any of this but all I know is that I want to kiss him. I waste no time in connecting our lips together, sealing everything that's happened.
"I love you so much," I say against his lips. Tears are still trickling down my face, but I don't care. I really don't care if my makeup's running halfway down my face, all that matters is if I have my Stefan.
"Thank you so much for asking me," I smile. He smiles before gently kissing my lips again. "Thank you for saying yes," he replies.
"No matter how, when or where you proposed, I would've always said yes," I smile. He kisses me once more before taking my hand in his. A smile is plastered onto my face at this point, his proposal is definitely one of the most amazing things I've ever witnessed.

We spent about half an hour in the field and decided to head back when it started to get cold. It's around 10pm when we get home and we waste no time in going upstairs into our bedroom. No interruptions, we're all alone with this peaceful, tranquil atmosphere. I feel so giddy and happy right now and I know I won't be feeling the same way tomorrow so I'm trying to enjoy it while it lasts. We're both in pyjamas now and I'm lying on the bed with my phone.
"I've texted our parents and they said that they'll come over tomorrow," I say.
"Did you say why?" He asks as he lies down next to me, I feel his fingers slowly rub up and down my back.
"No, I thought we should tell them in person." I say, nervous to tell them.
"Any ideas on how we're going to tell them?"
"Absolutely none," I say with a nervous laugh. "In a way, I don't want to think about it now. I just want to think about us." I smile when I see a soft smile appear on his face. He lets out a soft sigh, "sounds like a good idea."
"Good," I gleam. My arms instantly drape around his neck after our lips find each other's. Nothing could ever spoil this moment. Our kiss becomes so intense that I don't notice the fact that his hands are on my hips and that I'm now on top of him.
Our kisses become searing and my mind, for the second time tonight, has slipped into its own paradise.
"I love you," I say in between our kisses, smiling away.
"I love you too, so much." My smile somehow grows at his comment before I reconnect our lips to finish off what we'd started. This amazing night is definitely the perfect way to say goodbye.
AN: Did you guess right?? Hope you like it, STELENA ARE ENGAGED!!!!! Please vote and give the chapter some love, it'll be appreciated!
-Chelsea X

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