The next day(Christmas aka Karma's special day)

Karma's POV

All day Nagisa been avoiding me and makes excuses like helping ma'am Nally bake and cook for the grand dinner.

I just went to the library which has a nap room and I just want to read interesting books that ma'am Nally wrote.

I grab the one that is lying on the table next to the couch.

I read the title ' ways to torture your mate if he/she ignore you' well this is interesting might as well read it and used it against my boyfriend.

After some useful tips and I'm on the last page when I saw there's a secret page but it has a code.

It may come when your young,
Or came when your a teen ,
When you touch it
Sparks came by
And you eagerly want it to your self
It says to wait until the time comes
And so it is ,you waited for days
But days turn into weeks
Weeks turn to months
Until you realize that it never coming back
Lost the sparks and hope
That you remind every single day
To not repeat the past
But Years pass by
You met another one
Try to avoid it, not notice it
But Its no use you can't escape it
Until it said
One sentence that make you melt
The three words that sends you to fall
Eight letters that you can't forget
Use it in another form or word
That way you can finally make the sparks
Last forever.

"*T _ _ _ L _ _ _*'


I just made up the code haha)

Aurgh! Is it me or this is none sense! I read the entire book of tips/ways to torture(meaning sex) you mate. But I'm really serious!

Ok calm down Karma just read again and trace the clues as if theres clu-

Wait what's this little line? I grab the magnifying glass on the table and look at it.

It says ' if you don't get it then you didn't do it yet and its perfect for the hidden page just think what is the one thing that you say to your mate that in other words.' OK that's a little helpful wait..... One sentence, three word..,,,eight letters..and you say it when you truly love

Holy fuck! Its 'I ♥ you' . then the answer is........ TRUE LOVE! YES i crack the code! And I'm so stupid for not thinking it straight!

I read the last one happily. by the time i finished it my face is as red as my hair!.woah thats one intense tip/way.

I walked out of the room then went to the dinning area.

We celebrate my birthday and Christmas . we played games and such but i wondered where is Nagisa?

I excuse my self then went to Nagisa and i room.



I walked inside then Nagisa is WEARING A NEKO MAID COSTUME! And its looks like he's on heat too,wait does this what mmaam said when she needs Nagisa for a experiment? To turn him into a neko! But the other hand I can use the tips! Mwahahaha!

"Oh happy hah~. Birthday Karma-kun~" shit he looks so lewd.

"Oh your present is in that box over there "I just grab and open it and......
Holy shit there are all sex toys from vibrators to lube to fluffy hand cuff and some whip cream cans to fresh fruits!?
Is he offer his body (aka his virginity)? Then he must be prepared cus there's no backing now
And its a good thing the walls are sound proof.

Third person POV

Karma walked towards Nagisa with the fluffy handcuff then he pinned nagisa to the bed head. He look at Nagisa who was blushing deeply and pushed him down on the bed. He pressed his lips on his and started removing the maid costume.

Nagisa moaned when Karma let his hands slide across his exposed chest.

He grab the whip cream then put on Nagisa's exposed chest and put some fresh strawberries.

Karma began teasing Nagisa by eating the what he created and 'accidentally' licked nagisa's nipples and Karma slowly grind at him, Nagisa let out a sexy moan causing slithly erected Karma's d*ck.

"Nyaa~ Master Karma please take *moan* ahhh~ me.... Its the ahh~ only way to re-removed the heat~ please take me already master~" Nagisa said while looking at him lewdly. Karma lost it then he released Nagisa from the handcuff.

"Nagisa, you're so naughty" Karma whispered making Nagisa shiver.

He then removed his own clothing until they were both in their underwear and started kissing down Nagisa's neck making him moan his name.

He proceeded to remove the smaller boys panties and grabbed the bottle of lube out of the box. He put some on his finger and inserted it into Nagisa's hole making him moan.

The then added another finger and slowly started moving.

"K-karm-aaa, m-more!" Nagisa moaned and Karma removed his fingers and put his dick against his opening and slowly pushed in.

Nagisa felt a slight pain as Karma entered him but it slowly faded into pleasure. Karma started moving faster and suddenly hit a spot deep inside of him making him moan uncontrollably.

They moved their hips together in a moaning mess until karma could feel himself coming close. He grabbed Nagisa's dick and started pumping.

"N-no K-kar-maa" he screamed as they came together and collapsed on the bed.

"Happy birthday" Nagisa mumbled before falling asleep with asleep small smile on his face.

"I love you" Karma whispered as seems snuggled up next to him and fell asleep.

And Nally has a major blackmail to Nagisa when the time comes they didn't know that there's a micro camera that she saw everything! YUP she planned it the whole time. Not Nagisa expecting from the experiment but she hoped that there relationship would last forever.

A/n well that's the last one hope you enjoy guys
And I might just create another story similar to this one but a crossover between koroko basketball and assassination classroom anyway bye see you again if I wrote another!~Cyza

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