Chapter 11

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~~~Nagisa's POV~~~

Its three in the afternoon and I still can't find my way out to the pool! I wish had a map. This place is huge! Is it still called a mansion? more like a palace!

Its a good thing my current mum is nice and caring. Oh yeah stupid me why didn't tell her to where is the pool or asked her to have a map. Even after the tour I still can't remember all the path .

As I was about to call mum she came out of the snake symbolic door .

"Oh hi darling how was your day?" She said to me warmly.

"Hi mum, not so great day first I spend my entire morning at my room and I tried going to the pool too but I'm lost again" I replied while I pout just like a kid. Then the next thing I know that she took an photo of me pouting.!

"Mum! Please delete that?" I pleaded but she just shook her head as I gaze my sight at her to the door.

"What's inside that door mum?" I asked fully curios. The snake symbol reminds me of my pet snake that died.

Ironic because in class when in assassination I'm like an snake . well my pets is like my family. I cried that day when there missing from there cage.

"Oh! Why don't you find out dear mabey they would cheer you up." She open the door and motioned me to follow her and to my surprise its like a mini cage but have indoor trees some snake too? What the-?

Then something around my body tighten me. It is two snakes that I'm familiar with. I think of a way to remove them to my body because I'm out of air.

"Call there name Nagisa I'm sure you knew them when you were young." Mum said . wait the only snakes that I knew is Nally -new and my pets. Then that means......

"The white snakes: Luna & Luke , The black snakes: Raven & Roy? Are you alive?" I asked this thing that keeps hugging me then it stops . 4 figures of Snakes came inti my view. And I was right... there alive!!

"But how are you still alive?" While hugging them all and stared at mum.

"Your sister took care of them while she was away . please understand that she only didn't tell you because she care about them and you." Mum replied. I don't care anymore since my loing lost friends are here. Mabey I should thank my sister for taking care of them.

My snakes are Luke and Raven. My sister's snake are Luna and Roy there are mates , so are Raven and Luke . mabey there are fated.

*sign*If only me and Karma are fated to....

"You can stay here while I cook dinner and oh" she gave me GPS around the house.
"So that you don't have to get lost again" while she giggled and walked out of the room.

"If only Karma is here to cheer me up too......" I said while taking out our picture . Luke and Raven came to my side and saw the photo. They just caressed my checks sign that it would alright. I hope so because I don't know how long does my heart keep up......

^^^Nally's POV^^^

While the class call their parents. I recently read the texted of Mary

'Nally, Nagisa found out the snakes. And oh who is this Karma guy that keeps Nagisa smiling at there photo? And by the looks of Nagisa he really wants to see him! Oh look at Nagisa pouting he is so cute!!!* photo*~ Mary .'

Oh Nagisa is really cute when pouting oh mabey when I get Karma's number I would send it to him.

I smiled and laugh evilly that makes the class look at me weirdly.

"Sorry... class ... but do you know that who Nagisa likes?" I Said between my giggles.

"No ma'am , but we hoped it would be Karma" well who knew this students would be my ally for my otp.

"Well class... where does Karma live?" They look at me confuse.

"Why do you like to know ma'am ?" Said Isogai, while the whole class nod.

"Well I know who Nagisa's crush is and ...... its Karma!" There were silence at first and then......

"EEHHH!!!!? SINCE WHEN!!??" I giggle the expression of the whole class.

"OK class would you help me with my otp to make operation 'KARMAGISA' a canon?" I get a collective yes and nods from the class.

"Then first off , we invite Karma .... Then make them sleep at Nagisa 's room OK class?" They all nod and we smiled evilly.

Ready or not Nagisa we'll make you confess your feelings or make you two 'accidentally' kiss or something... mwahahaha!!

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