Chapter 18

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Third person POV

The E-class were ready for there 'little' surprise for the campus students.

"OK class are you ready for there face to realize who there against us? Nurururu!~" korosensei said while turning his head to green stripes.

"Yeah ready for action sir". Nagisa said while putting some weapons in his vest then he turn to his classmates. They nod there head signaling there ready.

For the past 2 weeks Nally teach them some stragety and gadgets. The E students put some device in there suit that makes invisible like Nagisa's Lamborghini. The teachers didn't know about this either.


While the A-class students and the others lower students are waiting in the bigger gym. There curios about some military bags in every corner and at the middle.

They all line up but the E-class were not found.

"Well,well, looks like the E-trash is too embarrassed to come here hahaha!" Some student said and laugh but they didnt know that there lose a bet and they there stupid for not checking there rankings. Mr.Asano and his son didn't laugh instead they seem distant in there thoughts until....

"Nururu~ your mistaken children for my students are in there special final test " all the students are shock to have a yellow octopus at the stage with the principal.

At the same time Nally,Irina and Karasuma walk in with military outfits.(just imagine the walk of prof bitch in entering in the episode where they went for a meeting or something)

Nally at Irina has almost knee length combat boots,some military shorts, sleeve less black inner cloth and the same vest that have the E-class but different color and some fingerless gloves and some thing like pouch on each side on there shoulder .

Karasuma on the other hand has similar but instead sleeve less its long sleeve and his pouch is waist level( just like kakashi in naruto) and combat boots.

"Woah! Who are those sexy and boobylious models? Wait the other one is the E-class female teacher but the other I don't know" one of the D class said.

Karasuma smirked and Nally just smile then they went to the stage with korosensei.


Nally POV

As we went to the stage to join korosensei some students are whispering about me. Well its about time to introduce myself.

I grab the mic at the side and that caught there attention.

"Well hello students. You all know me as the 'miss heartbreaker'-. As I was about to finish my statement one of the student on A-class. Ew if I'm not mistaken he's one of the former top students.

"Wait you mean 'THE MISS HEARTBREAKER' the idol and super model!?" I just sign at him but smiled anyway.

"Yeah that's me and did you say that the E-class are stupid and trash?" My voice begane to sound neutral, no emotions

"Yes ma'am there the lowest of all!" Now I really understand why they hate them but violence/revenge are not all answer like korosensei taught and Im really gonna admit he's a pretty good teacher.

I look at my watch and its about time for them to some action.

"Ma'am just another question.. Why are you with them and why are the trash aren't here?" I just smirked signalling Irina and Karasuma to fighting position in high alert. That makes all the students to look confuse.

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