Chilled Lime Pie

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Few drops-Green Food Colour (Optional)

1 cup (150ml)-Fresh Cream

1/3 cup (50ml)-Lime Juice

6 tbsp-Butter Melted

100g /15 biscuits-Low Sugar Biscuits

1/2 tin (200g)- Sweetened Condensed Milk


Crush the biscuits finely, add the melted butter and mix well. Press this onto a greased shallow glass dish/loose bottom pie dish and chill for 15 minutes in the refrigerator.Whisk the Sweetened Condensed Milk and lime juice together until thick. Whip the cream till soft peaks form and fold into the condensed milk mixture, gently mix till combined.Pour onto the chilled biscuit layer and swirl the green colour through the mixture to get a marbled effect. Freeze for 1-2 hours or until set.

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