There was a deadly silence on the other end of the phone.

"Jimin this isn't funny, you better not be playing one of your stupid jokes on me again." You tried to keep the tremor out of your voice, desperately hoping that Jimin was indeed playing a cruel joke on you.


"Yah Park Jimin!!" You squawked again, hoping that by using his full name Jimin would answer.

There wasn't any reply.

Fear thudded through you as you hung up on the call and with shaking fingers, dialled the number of the police.

"Police? I think something has happened to my husband, he isn't answering and-"

The lady on the other end interrupted," Hold on miss, speak calmly. Tell me where your husband was last at and also, where you are now."

You stuttered out the two possible locations where Jimin could've been at and the address of your suite.

"Alright, I'll be dispatching a team of policemen to the scene and also a team to you shortly. Remember to stay calm."

And like that, you were listening to silence yet again.

When the team of policemen arrived, they found you huddled on the bed, arms wrapped around yourself as you prayed fervently that Jimin was safe.

"Mrs.... Park? I'm Officer Yoo Kyunghae." A policewoman said, flashing her police badge.

You nodded, on the verge of tears.

"Can you tell me what happened?" She asked softly, knowing not to probe too far for fear that you might break down completely.

You spilled everything, from Jimin going out to take an associate's call to the sounds you had heard when Jimin had disappeared from his end of the phone.

Officer Yoo nodded and was probably about to say something comforting when her walkie talkie crackled to life.

You could only make out the words 'located' and 'phone'.

You froze in fear. That could only mean that they had located Jimin's phone.

But what about Jimin himself?

The pressing urge to cry was back again.

Officer Yoo turned back with a glance that was a mixture of sympathy and worry.

She chose her words very carefully, "Mrs Park... let's get into the police car. I'll fill you in on the way there."

"Where?" You asked, but allowed yourself to be led into the police car.

Nobody answered that question.

The cool leather of the seat sank down as Officer Yoo slid in next to you. The air conditioning would've been welcoming in the stifling summer heat if not for the fact that the night was unusually cold.

"Zone 105, Lee," She instructed the officer in the driver's seat.

There was silence for a few minutes before you felt the seat shift once again as Officer Yoo turned to face you.

"Mrs Park, they found your husband's phone in Zone 105 after combing Zones 107 and 105."


"Oh." That was all you could say as you averted eye contact with the female officer, staring out of the window of the police car, at the dark clouds forming in the distance.

A dull ache settled at the bottom of your heart. Even though you kept trying to tell yourself that Jimin was fine, the fact that they had found his phone and not him already said it all.

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