Chapter 1

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Spirit's POV:

I have to keep running from this stupid lab and find a way to hide from them. "Get that tiger", shouts a guard. I ran even faster and disappeared into a small room. I waited until they passed and took my chance to run through a small door that leads to the outside. Once outside, I started to run along the road and heard many gunshots being fired. I pounced onto a robot villain and tore his head off with my razor sharp teeth. I attack the other robots around me but one shot me in each of my legs. I looked down to see 8 bleeding wounds and I tried to fight off more robots. I growled when I spotted a blonde haired guy attacking the robots with lightning and he didn't seem scared of me. I padded slowly away but didn't make it far before I collapsed on the ground. "Protect that tiger", says a female voice. "Got it", says a male voice. Something landed in front of me with red and gold armor and I wasn't afraid of him. "Hi girl, are you alright", says the man. I gave a soft growl and he opened his helmet mask. "I'm Tony Stark but also Iron Man and who might you be sweetie", says Tony. I shifted back into my human form with my clothes on and looked at him. "My name is Spirit Ice but I am well known as TigerEye", I said. He nodded his head and knelt down next to me. "You are hurt", says Tony. "Yeah, some stupid robot decided to shoot each of my tiger legs and I tired to kill more of them", I hissed. "BLACK WIDOW, LOKI. We need help", says Tony into an ear piece. I spotted someone with long black hair and a lady with red hair running towards me. They knelt down and I couldn't exactly move. "She has 8 bullet holes in her arms and legs. I can heal her in your tower Tony", says the guy. "Did you forget to say something", says the lady. "What exactly", asks the guy? The lady rolled her eyes and flashed a smile at me. "I'm Natasha Romanoff or Black Widow", says Natasha. "I'm Spirit Ice or known as TigerEye", I said. "I'm Loki", says Loki. I smiled at both of them and Natasha help me sit up. "Head to my tower Loki with her. I will send Wanda with you", says Tony. "Alright", says Loki. He wrapped his arms around me waist and teleported us inside of Stark's tower. "Whoa. This place is awesome", I said. "Well, you will probably being living here with 14 avengers", says Loki. He placed his hands on my face and I felt magic moving towards my wounds. I noticed that the wounds healed right away and I thanked him. 'Loki, Wanda is on her way up to you' says a voice. "Who is that", I asked? "Jarvis, one of Tony's inventions", says Loki. "Tony sent me up here", says a girl. I turned to see a girl with long brown hair and a unique outfit. "I'm Wanda and you must be Spirit Ice", says Wanda. "Yes, I am Spirit Ice", I said. She smiled at me before kneeling down beside Loki and they exchanged a look. "What power do you have", asks Wanda? "I can change into a spirit tiger", I said. They looked at me with a smirk and I shifted into my tiger form. I pounced onto Loki which cause him to land on his back and I licked his face. "She is a strong tiger", says Loki. "Well she can sure be an avenger out there", laughs Wanda. I growled softly at Loki and he smiled at me. I rested my head on his chest and he petted my ears. "Incoming the others", says Wanda. "Do they seem happy or scared", asks Loki? "A little bit of both", says Wanda. I lifted my tiger head up to see 8 more avengers than I haven't met and they were pointing their weapons at me. "Put those weapons down now", snaps Loki. "Why brother?! You have a wild tiger on you", says a guy with long blonde hair. I got off Loki and crept up to them. I pounced on the guy holding the bow and arrows. He landed onto his back and stared at me with fear in his eyes. I roared into his face before getting off of him and padded over to Wanda. "That is Spirit Ice or also known as TigerEye", says Tony. "Wait? Is that the same tiger that I saw Tony save when fighting the robots", says the guy with long blonde hair. I tilted my head to the side and let out a small growl. "You should introduce yourselves", says Wanda. "I'm Sam Wilson or Falcon", says Sam. He walked over to me and I placed a paw on his feet. He crouched down and ran his fingers through my fur. "She sure is fluffy", says Sam. "Yeah, she is beautiful", says Loki. I let my claws slide out and raked them against someone's leg. "OWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHE SCRATCHED ME", screams a guy with light blonde hair. "Calm down. She didn't mean to do that but everyone lower your weapons now", says Wanda. I walked over to Tony and stood beside him. My tiger form reached his waist and every single Avenger stared at me. I changed into my human form and pulled down my tank top. "That was Pietro", says Tony. "S-Sorry for scratching you. I-I didn't mean too. It was a protective instinct", I said. I ran out of the room and ended up in a bathroom. I sat down next to the bathtub and started to cry. I heard footsteps running towards me but soon stopped in front of the door. I shifted into my tiger form and continued to cry. "Spirit, can Loki & I come in", says Natasha. I let out a growl and they walked into the room. Loki shut the door and they sat down beside me. "It is alright. Pietro isn't mad but he is trying to find you. He wants to spend the day with you and he wants to say sorry", says Loki. I changed back into my normal form and laid my head on Natasha's left leg. She ran her hand up my back and Loki kept watching the door. "Change back to your tiger form and pounce on Thor. He is the one with long blonde hair", says Natasha. "Ok", I whispered. I changed into my tiger form and crept towards the family room. I spotted my victim talking to a guy with a metal arm and I took off running. I pounced on him and he looked up at me. "Spirit, is that you", asks Thor. "I believe she is Spirit", says Sam. I licked Thor's face and nuzzled my head against his neck. Thor scratched my head and I purred against him. I got off of him and walked over to his companion. "Bucky, I think Spirit likes you", says Tony. "I guess she does like me", says Bucky. He moved to the floor and I laid down in front of him. "Tony, do you have a flashlight", asks Bucky? "Yeah", says Tony. He ran towards a kitchen drawer and pulled out a flashlight. He tossed it to Bucky who caught it and turned it on. He waved it on the floor and my paws started to chase it. Somehow it landed on the american guy's suit and I pounced on him. He fell on the floor and we locked eyes on each other. "She can easily take down villains without using a weapon", says the guy. "Steve, she would still need training", says Tony. I got off of Steve and walked slowly to Natasha who didn't notice my presence. I rubbed my side against her leg and she looked down at me. She rubbed my ears and I purred. I walked off to explore the tower and I heard someone following me. I hid behind a small crate and waited for the sound to pass. The person stopped in front of the crate and it was Sam that was following me. I got up on the crate and pounced on him. He landed on the ground and let out a small cry of help. I changed back and he started to laugh. I laughed as well before realizing that my eyes were glowing like a cat. "Are you going to protect us all night", asks Sam? "Depends on the issue but I might sleep with Bucky", I said. "Why him", he asked? "He used to be controlled by Hydra", I said. Sam nodded his head but he noticed my glowing eyes so he walked off to bed. Everyone went to bed that night and I shifted into my tiger form to follow Bucky to bed. He allowed me to lay down on the floor by his bed and I kept my eyes on the door. "I will be fine", he said. I let out a protective growl and Bucky nodded his head. Nothing came into his room that night so I walked out of the room to go sleep in the kitchen near the coffee machine counter.

Clint's POV:
I got up the next morning to go get some coffee when I spotted a white tail in front of the high top and I got closer to see that it was Tigereye. "You tigers do sleep a lot", I said. I grabbed a cup before filling it with coffee and sat down at the table to read the paper. "Morning Clint, what's up", asks Wanda. "Nothing much but you should watch your step", I said. She looked down to see the tiger and slowly stepped around the creature. Spirit must be used to this because she opened her eyes and stretched. She transformed into her human self and went to get a shower. "She needed to be tired from everything", I said. "You would be too if you were going to be used as an experiment and getting shot at", says Wanda. I knew she was right but who knows what will happen to her. Wanda saw my face and lightly slapped me across the face as I let out a yelp. "Don't mess with me", says Wanda before walking off. I giggled softly and I went to deal with other things. Although I knew that Steve would call us into a meeting to fully meet Spirit but she might be very nervous to meet all of us.

Spirit Ice Adopted By The AvengersWhere stories live. Discover now