No Tag Alongs!

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When I fell I had hit my head just enough that I passed out for presumably ten minutes, when I woke up I was laying on top of a giant mushroom and everything around me was so different, giant mushrooms, mechanical animals, and other weird stuff. I looked down at my white tank top and white yoga pants from the hospital that had some blood on them, my arms also had some cuts and scratches. "I'll be sure to get noticed in this, time to go shopping!" I laughed to myself before hopping from mushroom to mushroom until I came across a town.

It was fairly dark out and it didn't look like anyone was around so I slid down from the mushroom I was on and ran into the town looking for a place with clothes. Finally I found one, a little shop that looked like it sold clothing for females. I broke in by breaking the electronic lock with a rock, I dug around the store and picked out a bunch of clothes I liked and pieced together a new Joker outfit.
- Bright green shorts
- Darkish purple belt
- Bright purple bow tie
- Darkish purple and bright green pirate-y looking coat
- Dark purple and bright green corset like top
- Bright green and dark purple thigh high stockings
- Dark purple shoes with bright green on them
- Dark purple and dark green skull beanie
- Bright purple eyepatch
(Picture up top)
Doing some more digging in the shop I found red lipsticks and black eyeliners.

I changed into some black jeans with a dark purple t shirt, black sneakers, a grey leather jacket, and a dark purple bandana on my head. I tied my short, bright green hair into low pigtails and grabbed a pair of sunglasses. Before I left I got a basket and put all my new stuff into it, grabbed money from the till and took a brown gun looking thing from underneath the cash register along with some white bandages and a black satchel.
I got my stuff and ran into the giant mushroom forest to set up a temporary camp site for the night.

I studied the gun to try and figure out just how it worked because I found that it didn't use bullets and there was a fairly large chamber for something to be shot out of.
I had no luck with trying to figure out the other worldly mechanism, but I remembered I had something in a handmade pocket of my white yoga pants.
I dug through the basket of new clothes and found my hospital wear at the bottom, I pulled out the yoga pants and searched the pockets. One of my beautiful switchblades, back topside I charmed a guard into giving it back to me about a week before the pop-tart incident, the knife had a black handle with green skulls all over it, the blade was black and very sharp.

I waited until the light began to shine over the horizon before leaving my little camp site.
I giggled, changing into my Joker outfit, "Time to make a name for myself down here!"

All dressed up, knife in hand and a bag packed I left to go find out a little more about this place and killing some people who got in the way. I skipped along a path in the mushroom forest going to where ever I could.
Along the way I ran into a rich looking couple who had a little boy with them, "Well, well, well. Look at this, a perfect setup for a Batman of my own, though I'd rather not have to fight a flying rodent all the time, so I think I'll skip them." I said under my breath and walked by them the couple didn't even notice me, but the kid sure did.

"Hello miss, I really like your hair, it's so cool and different!" The kid told me when he walked up to me.

I plastered a fake smile on to my face, I never really liked children, but I swore a long time ago that I would never kill a little kid like this because I had a little sister before I went crazy.
"Hey, kiddo! Thanks for the compliment, but haven't your parents ever told you not to talk to strangers?" I questioned him.

"Well kinda, but I really like the colour of your hair and I wanted to tell you. They aren't paying attention to me anyway." The kid's golden eyes looked up into my pale blue one and he smiled.

I grinned at the kid before turning around. "Well thanks kid, but I need to get going. I'm on an adventure to nowhere and I must get going before the crazy train leaves without me." I skipped away from the kid laughing.

I heard rapid, light footsteps behind me. "Wait!" The kid called out. "Can I come with you? Please? My parents won't even notice."

"No can do kiddo, the crazy train can only hold one person. Now I really must be on my way." I stated walking backwards so I could face him.

"Aw, come on, please? I'm being forced to move from my home cavern and leave everyone that I know, my parents never pay attention to me either. Once I stayed in my room for a week and when I came out they didn't even realize that I was gone. Please can I go with you?" The boy pleaded.

I admit it was sad to know that the kid was neglected at home and it made me want to kill his parents, but he really didn't need to see me at work. "Look kid, I'm sorry but I can't have any tag-alongs where I'm going. And besides how old are you? Eight?"

"No, I'm eleven, but really what's the harm with one little tag-along?" This kid was seriously starting to get on my nerves.

I smiled wickedly and walked up to the next person I saw and they were alone, so I grabbed them and dragged them into the bushes, slicing their neck with a grin. They bled out and I was left with a corpse, I carved a smile onto their face and carved 'Joker Was Here' into their exposed arm.
I dropped the body onto the road, in front of the kid and smiled.
"Now do you see why you can't tag-along, kiddo?"
The kid was terrified and ran away crying.

I laughed wickedly as I ran on, no one else was around except that kid and his parents. When they find the body they'll alert whatever authorities are down here and my name and appearance will be known soon. I kept laughing as I fled the crime scene, not turning back to see what was going on.
As time went on the blood of my last victim was drying on my body, and dried blood is really itchy, so I found a public bathroom to clean up in, I smiled as I watched the red drip away into the white sink.
After I dried off I continued my voyage to nowhere.

(Well how about that. Already killing people and I just got here! Smile cause if you don't I'll find you!

When Crazy Meets a New World (SlugTerra) [DISCONTINUED] Where stories live. Discover now