Jacob Sartorius

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KaethPacTan ! My last request:)!
I had do much fun writing your imagines!
I hope you like this last one:) I worked super duper hard on it!
Hope all of you liked your imagines!

(Pretend you guys were 16-17)
Kaeth's POV:

I went to Calia's party.

I had to because, my boyfriend Jacob, won his basketball game and even tho he wasn't the captain of the team, he was the second best.

He begged me and finally used the line that had to make me go:

"So you don't support me and my team? That's fine I guess you also don't support this relationship."

Killer sentence huh?

Well I couldn't say no to him.

So I said yes!

And now here I am sitting near a tv with a drink in my hand that some girl gave to me which I am probably not going to drink.

I decided it was time to go home and I went to get Jacob.

I found him and he sounded sober so I took him to the car.

Of course I drove because you can never be too sure with him.

Finally at his house he opened the door and caught me off guard when he pushed me in the house too.

He pulls me in a kiss roughly and when I turn to kiss him back, I smelled the alcohol in his breath.


He moans.

"What did you drink babe?" I ask him nicely.

"Just coke why?" Weird he sounds sober.

I don't answer so he brushes it off and leans in to kiss me again.

This time the kiss was not nice and it hurt my lips so I started bleeding.

When I push him back, he gets mad and his expressions changes.

I knew he was bipolar but, he was drunk.

It's worst now.

"Why? Are you bot kissing me b**ch?"

I was used to him calling me that after a party when I came over to check on him.

"Are cheating on me? Is that why?"

I answer no.

"I know you are! And you know what I do to cheaters?"

He pulls my ear to his mouth.

"I hurt them."

I start to fear him.

"This is for your one night stand."

He hits me in the guts.

"This is for lying."

He hits me in the face.

"This is for never loving me."

He kicks me in the guts again as hard as he can.

I am spitting out blood.

I get up a little and try to push him back.

He just continues hitting me until he passes out from all that alcohol he consumed.

I lay there on the floor next to the boy I love.

Let me change that.


I try sleep a little.

I will leave in the morning.


I get up to Jacob wiping the blood from the floor.

No lights are on except the sunlight that shines through the window.

"Are you on you period babe?" He says while chuckling lightly.

"No! But I got hurt!" I say trying to make it obvious.

"Sorry babe but I can't help you. I got this huge hungover! Get me a cup of water please!"

"Sure thing!" I say toughly while turning all the lights on.

As they shine on my face, he looks at me shocked.

"What happened!  I will kill the son if b**ch who did this to you!"

"Before I let you talk... Never touch me again!" I say breaking down.

He comes near me.

"Sh*t I did this to you?"

I nod.

He cones to hug me.

" I am so sorry."

"Don't touch me."

"Babe please! I'll never do it again!"

"How do I know that's true?"

"Because I love you?"

"That's not enough! Jacob, I don't and will not be in an abusive relationship!"

He gets near me.


His warm stinky morning breath on my nose.

He then kisses me and he ends up on top of me.

I kiss him back but stop and scream of pain when he touches my stomach.

"So sorry babe! Let me call the hospital!"


I try to avoid eye contact and ge finally puts his hand under my chin and kisses me softly.

"All better." He laughs and dials the ambulance.

That's my real boyfriend.


Hope you liked this last imagine KaethPacTan :)  I worked hard on it! Let me know if you want me to make requests soon:)
Bye guys love you❤️

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