Brandon Rowland pt 2

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Y/N's POV:

I seriously couldn't believe Brandon.

I decided to unfollow him after what just happened.

I did it on twitter first and I guess he noticed.

He tweeted me out:

"@Y/U/N (your username) 😞😘sowwy babe."

Normally I would have melted and started freaking out.

But I am a new woman.

Next was Insta.

It was hard but, I had to.


It meant I couldn't see his beautiful face anymore.

I closed my eyes and just did it.

"Unfollowed." I whispered.

He then InstaMessages me and I leave him on read.

"Boi!!! I unfollowed you! It means that I don't  want to deal with your bullsh*t!" I scream at my phone.

I then get a DM from my friend Adria.

"Check YOUNOW. RN!!! Go on Brandon's"

Damn gurl!

I go on YOUNOW and see that Brandon was trending under the hashtag #boys.

I watched his broadcast.

"Who is this girl that you tweeted?" Was all what everyone was asking.

"Guys! I don't know but all I know is that I messed up. I didn't even get her name during this whole 2 hours. I mean guys it was awesome! We were singing dancing and bouncing around! It was so fun and she was pretty I guess. I didn't really see her face. We were just dancing singing and on insta." Was what he said.

"Let me go on her Insta."


"Darn it guys! It's a private account! I 'll just follow her and wait for a follow back."

I decide to let him see my account to see what would happen next.

"Oh she let me in! Okay what are her facial features?"

I waited for a look of disgust but I didn't care. I thought I was pretty.

"Guys she is so pretty."

He shows them a picture of me.

Some girls say wow.

*Flips her hair*

Some girls say it them.

"Guys it can't be any of you! She unfollowed me. On every social media."

I decide to post something in the comments.

I post a smiley face:).

"Who just posted a smiley face?"

I repost something:




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