I want him to hold me, I want him to tell me not to worry. His embrace always soothes me.

But he pulls away too soon and I feel my lips getting cold from the loss of his.

"We should probably get ready for our flight."

I meet his eyes and let out a small sigh before I nod, "Yeah, sure."

We stand up and as we do so, the speakers announce that our flight is boarding now.

Harry takes our bags and head for our gate. I have the tickets in my hand and follow him.


On the flight I start to fiddle with my hands nervously. I hate flights and heights.

"Are you okay, baby?" Harry looks worriedly at me.

I just smile and nod in response, "Yeah, yeah. I'm okay."

As the flight attendant announce we are taking off and the plane starts to move, I grab Harry's hand in a hard grip.

He doesn't say anything. He just squeezes back and that makes me calm enough to not have a panic attack.

His thumb strokes mine as I feel the plane lifting and going up in the air.

As the plane straightens up I relax a little in my grip and lets out a big breath. I feel the cast on Harry's other hand brushing against my cheek.

"It's okay, we're up in the air now."

I open my eyes, who was closed and I am met by his piercing green one's.

My lips part but I can't get out any words. He knew, he knew all along that I was afraid.

Suddenly his lips are on mine and I'm taken aback at his boldness. But I melt into his touch and lips and calm down immediately.

"Don't worry, I'm here. I'm always here," he mumbles against my lips before he pecks them quickly one more time.

I smile at him, "Thank you."

He just nods and leans back his seat and close his eyes, "Are we going to check into a hotel when where there?"

I take out my headphones out of my bag as I response, "Yeah, I don't want to intrude with anyone in my family and I don't think my mum and dad will welcome us with open arms."

"Who where the one who called you by the way?"

I look over at him and his eyes are still closed and lips parted slightly.

"It was my sisters husband. He and my niece are okay but are still in shock. They are already waiting for us at the hospital."

I lean back in my own seat and put my headphones in my ears. I need music and that is now. Music have always been my escape, my salvation, my reason to live.

I hear through my music that Harry has fallen asleep and soon I am too.


I jump in my seat, wide awake, as the flight attendant announces that we are going down for landing. I shake Harry a little but he only stirs in his sleep.

"Harry, wake up. We're landing now." I shake him harder and he opens his eyes slowly before he yawns.


I smile at him, "Yes, it's only about a 2 hour flight."

But my smile fades away fast as I feel the plane going down. I grab Harry's hand again and bite my lower lip. My eyes are screwed shut and I tense up yet again. This is horrible.

I feel Harry's breath near my ear and I gasp for air, "It's okay baby. I'm here."

His hand is squeezing mine back and I open one of my eyes to look at him.

He is giving me a bright white smile and I can't help smiling a little back.

I let out a small breath and he nods at me, "It's okay, just breath. Look at me."

I let myself get lost in his forest green eyes and I only focus on our breathing.

And before I know it we have landed and are safe on the ground.

Harry gives me a quick kiss on the lips, "You did so good baby, I'm so proud of you."

I smile, feeling proud of myself and stand up to get out.

But as I get out of the plane I suddenly feel nauseous and regretting this decision.

My past is catching up with me and I'm not sure I'm ready for the impact.

Will me and Harry survive this trip?

The Model (H.S)Where stories live. Discover now