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Word Count: 362

I stood there and watched him fall to the ground, tears spilling out of my eyes. I wanted to move, I wanted to hold him, but I was too frightened. I was too frightened to even process anything. I knew today was the day, I had forever to prepare myself, and yet I was terrified.

Once I collected myself, I ran the small distance to him. I knew what he was going to do, so I carefully helped him stand. Blood. There was blood everywhere. It was gushing out of his neck and mouth. This was it for him. I held his shoulders as we trudged up the stone debris. This was the last time I'd see him in the Second World. After this, all I'd be able to do is watch him from afar.

They came into view. She looked like she was ready to destroy the world, as if she hadn't already. His phone buzzed; the future just changed. Wait! Nothing was supposed to change! I was pulled out of my thoughts when he kissed me.

He just kissed me.

I was shocked, I was happy, it was all too bittersweet. I kissed him back with all of the love I could muster. He pulled away, his crimson eyes boring into my chocolate ones. He couldn't say anything, but I knew exactly what he was trying to tell me.

Phone in one hand, his courage in the other, he reluctantly let go of me and walked towards his death. It hadn't even been 4 seconds and his head had already been sent flying, and I was right there to catch it. If there were dams in my eyes trying to stop my tears, they were long gone now.

I caught her eyes for a moment and I could see regret, so much regret. She made a start towards me, but I walked right past her.

His body had already fallen to the ground, and his soul was Lord knows where. I placed his head where it should've been and laid next to him. I wept into his chest, waiting for the Third World, when the unexpected happened.

He held me.

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