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Tagged by yoonginger

Her questions

1. If the soap drop at poop, will the soap get dirty or the poop clean? Reason please.
Why tf are you asking this kind of question? Wtf? But anyway, I think the soap will get dirty, the poop wont get clean, cuz basically it is poop. It's 'waste' our body has to get rid of since it is no use to us. So poop is made out of dirt. And it will be forever dirty. Cuz thats what poop is. The soap on the other hand. Idk what soap is made of but I know that its supposed to make something clean. Poop could coat the outer part of the soap, meaning it'll become dirty, but once you wash that off and like, rub the soap so there'll be bubbles, its like cleaning the soap too and then rinse that off and the soap is clean again. Besides, a small touch between the poop and the soap wont get the poop clean. I'm sure you dont just dab the soap on your skin when you take a bath and you dont even rub the soap. I dont think you'll get clean at all of you just take a bath like that.

2.There was a rumored ghost at the house next to yours, it make u slightly curious so u check it out

As u enter le house..u saw ur UB sleeping peacefully at floor..what would u do?
I have many answers for this question tbh.

One would be me, waking him up and asking him where the ghost is.

Another one would be me, trying to bring him to his bedroom or carry him to the couch so he would sleep more comfortably but then I realize that I'm stupid and he's heavier and taller than I am so I end up grabbing one of the pillows from his room and his blanket. I'll put the pillow under his head and put the blanket over him

Another one would be me, freaking out and screaming cuz he's my UB and how tf did I not notice that he's my neighbour and he'll wake up and probably either call the cops or kick me out of his house

Another one would be me, going over board and kidnap him. Lets say I was able to put him in a sack and carry him all over to my house, drag him into my bedroom and tie him to my bed so he would never escape. Or I'll just take him to the basement, cover his mouth and tie him to a chair. He will never get out mwahahaha (just like what happens at those fanfics where in which a sasaeng kidnaps her oppa)

And another would be me, fainting.

3. U confess to UB, he said he'll agrees if you eat poop right infront of him, will u?
Dude, I love my bias but I wont do that. If he ever does that to me I'll try my best to slap him cuz he's being a jerk.

4. If u became a butterfly, what is the first thing that u would do?
The first thing I'd most likely do I fly my way to Seoul and just go in BTS' dorm. But I'm pretty sure before I even get to Seoul I'll most likely die first, probably be caught by one of those kids who likes to chase insects and put them in jars/bottles or maybe I'll get eaten by a frog before anything else. Hmm, who knows?

5.U forgot ur house key, what would u do?
Call a locksmith

6. U swim at the middle of the ocean, but you realized ur swimming right in front of school's corridor and looked at u with 'w-t-f-face', will u swim again?

Okay, I'm done answering the questions!

My Questions

1. Do I know you?

2. Do you know me?

3. You could tell I'm bored right?

4. Were you able to read my Stuff Whtvr before I took it down? If so, what was it about?

5. Tell me a good graphic shop TT I wanna change the cover of my 'blogger' book

6. What is the 1st anime you watched??

Im tagging

Aelleien_senpai (Lalalalalaelle)
vkookie- (Unnie :3)
Galaxies_Infinity (SENPAI XD)

Yeah. Only you guys :3

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