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I knelt down plucking the flower 

from where it once grew peacefully

It was the most beautiful one

that grew on that bush.

Perfection radiated off the soft pink petals of the flower

But looking closer,

you can tell those petals aren't perfect.

I took out the petals that were beginning to die,

the large full flower

came smaller.

I plucked off the petals that weren't symmetrical

the ones that had small tears in them

the ones that had the wrong color in the wrong place.

I looked at the flower again

stopping myself just to see how much of it I had destroyed.

There was only two petals left.

They were beautiful

Without any close inspection,

you could call it perfection.

But those two petals look so ugly

being there by themselves.

I lightly tugged,

removing the last pink petals.

From far away,

it was so beautiful.

I had killed the flower,

only to destroy it even further.

I looked down at my feet 

to see the vast amount of light pink petals.

Turning my head,

I looked at the bush.

The leafy green that once held such a beautiful flower.

But without that flower, 

everything still looks the same.

They found a new one,

a new blossom,

that shines brighter without the presence of the other.

From the distance

that I stand,

it looks perfect,

as if nothing was ever taken from there before.

If flowers had feelings,

was the new flower,

jealous of the now dead one?

I shook my head at the thought.

I turned away,

walking away from the old bloom's remains

and the new flower's reign.

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