Valid Chapter 1

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Author's Note: Thank you for reading Valid. Tell me whether I should continue or just stop here cause you know its not working out. But let me tell you. It gets WAY better alol so Vote! Vote! Vote! Thank you! - DE



Chapter One

Sandy and I sat at his restaurant bar that evening and had three scoops of ice cream in a bowl. 'All on the house for his little Jack' is what he had come to call me. I guess I did kinda look like a Jack Rabbit with those big ears of mine. While I spoiled my dinner and kept my mouth full, Sandy kept my ears busy as well.

"Ya sure couldn't tell whether the men were good an dead er not on that battlefield. Worst day o my life I tell ya.... Worst day..." He was telling a story he always told to me when I couldn't talk and the funny thing was, he told it different every time. But it always ended with how that was the worst day of his long- lived life.

I didn't know what the worst day of my life would be but I always knew it would be the worst when it came. I figured as much because my life was as boring as boring could get. I had to make things interesting. I always kinda had this picture that my life would be this fairytale with a twist- and NO prince. Uggh! I hated happily- ever- after sappy love stories. No. I wouldn't be the damsel in distress. I would get myself out of trouble. I remember having Sandy take me to boxing lessons when I was six. All the guys would laugh and joke that they couldn't hit a girl. I remember getting in the sparring ring and knocking them clean out their guts.

Never underestimate pink boxing gloves.

"Well it's seven. You might wanna be headin' home little Jack." Sandy punched me in the side of the arm gently. I took a glance at the clock, wiped ice- cream off my face and picked up my school bag.

"Thanks for the ice- cream Sandy!" I shouted as I ran out the front door. I ran two blocks down the side street right from the restaurant and turned a corner into a patch of suburban neighborhood.

The light from the sky was quickly fading as the sun said goodbye and tucked under the far hills to my right. My legs carried me swiftly home and through the entrance door. I caught a whiff of dinner and jogged into the kitchen.

"Whatcha makin' mom? Smells really good." I startled my mom who turned and jumped from the fat pot she was stewing dinner in.

"Don't scare me like that Riley. Not when I'm near the stove. We're having soup by the way. Don't ask what kind or you'll be disappointed." Mom had her hands on her hips now with a deep growl on her lips and in her black eyes. They were actually a dark brown, but with how fierce my mom was, they could've very well been black at that moment.

"Something that smells that good can be nasty I suppose. I've had your food before so..." I taunted my mom.

"Just go to your room until dinners ready. I'll call you down when it's done."



With that my mom swiveled back around to her stove and I retreated out of the kitchen. I stomped up the stairs just to make her content that she wasn't giving me what I wanted and slammed the door to my bedroom.

My bedroom was far from the greatest bedroom in the world. My walls were a dark grey and the ceiling was slanted at a great angle so at one end of my room you had to duck when you walked. I liked it though- fit my personality well- the room was warm but a little sharp on the edges. And boring, very boring. There was a bed, a door, four walls, and a lamp. That was it. No windows, no nothin'.

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