Gunblade: The Rebellion of Cain - Part 1

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Chapter 1 - Esai Prepares

Somewhere, an old man was sat in complete stillness.  He remained motionless with his hands clasped in a traditional meditative fashion in front of his chest.  His wiry fingers interlocked in a complex pattern which allowed him to expand his conscious awareness beyond his immediate surroundings.  He breathed deeply, inhaling a mixture of swirling heavy candle incense designed to assist him in his meditative efforts.  The various spices filled his lungs as he sank deeper into a Zen state.  The trance allowed the physical world to melt away and freed his consciousness from his senses.  The flickering flame of candles cast gentle shadows across the small chamber as the man sat motionless on an ornate meditation rug.  He was not elderly by the estimation of most, but maintained a wizened visage that exuded wisdom, experience and formidable discipline and mastery.  The garb he wore was simplistic, yet functional.  The understated midnight-colored jumpsuit was adorned with three simple white wooden buttons that fastened his tunic.  Similarly, the sleeves of his tunic extended well beyond his hands and ended in contrastingly white cuffs.  The jumpsuit was a traditional martial arts training uniform which provided an excellent combination of freedom of movement with unique comfort.

With his eyes still closed, the man's bald pate raised in response to a shift he sensed in the balance of his environment.  He could almost feel the impending presence of others as starkly as if they and been in the same room with him. 

In an exercise designed to exhibit discipline, inner strength and mastery of oneself, he raised himself completely on his left leg into a standing position.  His hairless face was now visible in a dim glimmer of moonlight that danced through the window.

Anticipating the entry of the parties which patiently waited for him, Esai drew his meditation to a close.  As he did each time he concluded his mediation, he walked slowly, in a rectangular pattern, around the room and doused each candle with his calloused thumb and forefinger.  Now bathed in the pale moonlight, he turned slowly and clasped his arms behind his back before heading out of the small chamber into the larger room beyond. 

He was much older than his compact form belied, having lost track of his true age himself.  As he went about the tasks of preparing for his visitors, he deftly moved around what appeared to be a run-down pawn shop.  He approached an eclectic collection of antiques, objects and relics from his life.  They were stark testaments to his history.  He rarely allowed himself to revel in his younger days, but occasionally revered old friends and experiences past that were salient enough to teach him lessons and shape his life. 

Esai drew up his sleeves, and unlocked a series of complicated bolts at the top of a very thick door near the rear of the pawn shop.  He slowly heaved the door aside and breathed in the stale air within the small chamber.  Lining the open room were simplistic wooden racks, adorned with traditional Indochinese decorative sculptures and accouterments.  Resting on these racks was an extremely impressive collection of the most exotic and diverse collection of ancient weaponry ever assembled.  These weapons, resembling historical counterparts from all aspects of Chinese and Japanese history were in pristine condition, as if they remained on permanent exhibit at a historical museum.  Even without lighting in the small room, Esai moved with precision.   He regarded each formidable weapon with respect for its esteemed history and paused at a rack which housed a series of ornate and ancient bladed weaponry.  The swords rested within a deep cherry wooden shelving system that was as rich and well-built as the weapons themselves.  The appearance of the rack gave it an almost theological alter-like connotation.  Each weapon rested within its own series of grooves within the rack and was sheathed in its own decorated scabbard.  Many of the blades varied from straight blades, double edged, curved and flexible to broad, heavy and powerful.

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