Back Story

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Hey guys! Welcome! I'm starting this earlier than I was going to because of a comment (yeah stupid I know). So check out @miraculouslover ! (Your hair color is now dark blue and black)
Thx for the support! Peace✌!

3rd person POV

The baby girl

"Aaron honey please go get your father." His mother asked as she griped her stomach in pain. "Hurry please." Her son ran to the other room to get his father."Don't worry honey I'm here." The king of falcon claw runs into the room with a wet towel and put it on the Queens forehead. "Aaron,son, go into the other room and call an ambulance."

Aarons POV (age-5)

Call start

911- hello whats your emergency?

Aa- my mother is going to have a baby!

911- Ok calm down. What is her condition?

Aa- she laying down holding her stomach in PAIN!

911-OK stay calm what is you location?

Aa- 55eagle Rd.

911- an ambulance is on the way. Now I'm going to ask some questions. How old is your mother? And how long has she been pregnant?

Aa- My mother is 34 and she's been pregnant for 9 months.

I could hear the sirens outside.

Aa- they're here.

911- alright have a nice day.

Call end

My father comes out of the room and moves out of the way for the paramedics. "Come on we have to go to the hospital." He pulls me out to the car as we watch my mother being put in the ambulance.

~~Le time skip to you~~

I'm woken up by the baby music cut on whenever a baby is born.

"Mr.falcon your wife is ready to see you." The woman at the desk said as she let us in.

I already knew which room mother was in... The only one with a guard at the door...

"Aaron meet your little sister,
(Y/N), shes worth the pain." My mother smiles down at the new little girl.

A hard loss

A week from now is my sisters 1st birthday. I'm so happy for my sisters birthday. I go to wake up our mother and I hear my sister crying. What's wrong with her? I shake my mom to wake her up. Nothing. I shake her again and call her name. Nothing. Just then I relies how pail she is and that she's not breathing. "MOM, MOM PLEASE WAKE UP!" I shake her and shake her but nothing. WAKE UP MOM. I tear up and soon I start to cry. "WAAAAAA!" (Y/N)! I almost forgot! I pick her up and bounce her. "I-its ok e-everything is gonna be alright." I put her in high chair. And picked up my phone and called my father.

Call start

F- Hello Aaron right now is not the ti-


F-Calm down I'm coming Aaron!

Call end

M-moms dead... I walk back over to my moms door and when I open it a bright red and (F/C) light shot towards me and (Y/N).

I look back at my sister and she's glowing a light silvery color. I look down at myself. I'm glowing a dark grey/black color. What the...?

My father came running in talking on the phone. "Aaron take your sister and walk to the park for a while and take your phone."

I run into my bed room and put on a T-shirt and a Black jacket with a red bandana covering my eyes. "Come on sis..."

10 years later/The beating

Your POV

"A-aaron... Dad... Drugs... Police..." I fall in to my brothers arms. I have cuts and bruises all of me and aaron have Slash marks on his face from him protecting me when dad came home drunk.

"Its ok (Y/N) I'll get an ambulance." He sets me down on his bed and gives me a cold clothe and cover some of the scratch marks with a cold towel.

He call 911 and we can hear our father stumbling/running down the hall. "I know your hiding her you mother f***er Aaron!" Aaron locks the door. As our father hits the door and slams his body against it but thank to the enhanced door her couldn't get in. "She caused your mother to die that little b***h witch!"

We soon hear sirens out side and aaron peeks out the bedroom door and shows me what's happening. Our dad gets arrested and a team of police take his drugs and beer out of the house. A group of people (paramedics) come and take me on a stretcher because I was somewhat paralyzed. I hear what they say to Aaron. "Ok Aaron how long has this been happening and how old are both of you?"

My brother says." About five years now and I'm 15 and my sister is 11." Aaron grabs my hand and I try to grip his hand. "She lost a lot of blood from that last beating and will stay paralyzed for about a week."

"Let me beat those a***oles!" A tear runs down my check. "Don't worry princess you won't ever see him."

10 more years/ Present

We ran and ran until we knew we were safe. I set up camp and we ate and soon my sister fell asleep.

I write in my journal and the last phrase is...

Away from horror and on to phoenix drop.


The top is what you look like except what eye color you have.

Thx for the support! Peace✌!

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