Sherlock's blowup, and compassion.

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The ride to Speedy's was quick I wasn't quite ready to see Sherlock again. I was beginning to think we were good friends and he may end that soon. John could come back anyday.

I walk in and Mrs. Hudson is sitting there looking surprised as ever. I'm guessing its about the fake body. I dunno. She walks past him shaking her head.

"Aunt H?" I ask her

"Oh, sweetie bless you." she said sadly

I wanted to know whats wrong.

"Sherlock?" I rush to the table

"What... Oh yes I told her about the writing. She's upset and hopes you don't get hurt." he said without emotion. He was a freaking robot and I can't stand it anymore. 

"You... WHY WOULD YOU TELL HER THAT?!" I yell angrily my chestnut hair bouncing down my back

He stares at me and I shove my self on the concrete wall.

"She's your Aunt. Your flatmate." he said "I told because she asked."

"You don't care. I just..." I stop I'm either sweating or crying. Then I notice niether its raining out side and his curly mop is soaked as well as my hair.

"Veronica?" he said I'm walking away "Come stay at my flat." he says

This stops me its wierd for me to hear this.. No, no its odd for him to say it.

I stop and turn his way.

"John's gone Veronica. I have no one. Lestrade doesnt even like me. Molly's dating Lestrade and my own brother has a life. Me this is me. I'm so...sorry." he said "Please come stay at my flat. You can have John's room. Just please stay I dont like the silence its killing me! I HATE FEELING THIS!" he finished

Molly was right. He was bottling it all up.

The Cunning Identity Worker(SHERLOCK fanfiction) {FINISHED}Where stories live. Discover now