Chapter 9

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"What!?" Thomas shouted enraged. He made a beeline for his fathers office with smoke coming out of his ears.
"You let them take her!? How could you do that? I leave for one day and you... You." He sits down in a big overstuffed armchair, and runs a hand through his thick brown hair. Making it stand up in all angles. He stands up again, more put together but still in shock and anger
" Calm down Thomas." Josh said not all too calm himself. " We were ambushed at the beach last night on our way home. 5 resistance men ambushed us, and before I could fend them off they took her. I'm sorry."
"That's not good enough. Where is she?"
" We're not 100% sure. There's three possible locations we have that they could have taken her to, but it's hard to pinpoint exactly. We have agents that are doing everything they can. We will have an answer by next week."
"Next week!? You know what they can do to her in a week?"
" They want her alive Thomas, we will bring her home alive I promise you" ....
I don't know what happened.
Following the man - scar seamed a fit name for such a dark character with a scar down his face- following scar down the damp, narrow passageway I was numb. What was that feeling of torture he had pulsed through me? How did I overpower it? How did I convince him I was on their side? How did I make him believe I was a whole other person? My head was so swarming with thoughts I didn't notice the men who stood guard every 5 yards down the hallway, or how many turns we took. I was finally knocked out of my trans when scar turned to me and repeated
"I said tell him your name!"
We had come to yet another door which I assumed lead to another dark, dingy room, or prison with hundreds of torture tools.
I struggled to find my voice, and when I did it came out ragged, and horse
"Shaya. Shaya Tadossy"
With a grunt of satisfaction from the gate keeper he unlocked the door and slid it open revealing a more astonishing site than I could have ever imagined.
( sorry I have no time to edit right now so this is just a really rough chapter)

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