Teenlock One: The Kitten

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John, Why is there a kitten in my bunk? -SH

It's against of rules to bring an animal into the dorms. -SH

When did you start following St.Bart's rules? -JW

You still have not answered my question. -SH

Well, I found it out in the rain today and felt bad for it. So, I snuck it back to our room. -JW

Taking in strays now are we? -SH

If I didn't take in strays we wouldn't be friends now would we? -JW

Hurry home. -SH


Sherlock rolled his eyes, throwing his phone, beloved jacket and his scarf onto the desk. Sherlock looked down at the kitten. He never was fond of animals. He always believed they were a waste of space. If there was ever a self sufficient animal, he would accept it.

He watched the kitten. It must be at least 7 weeks old. It's ink black hair dry due to the fact that John dried him up before rushig back to class. Clearly, using Sherlock's towel. The feline tilted his head to the side.

Sherlock flopped down next to the kitten, tired of standing. Sherlock's days consisted of running from bullies and correcting teachers. More often than not the bullies would catch up to him regardless of his wit. Hiding the bruises and blood suddenly became a chore since he had received a roommate, John Watson. His first love. He put his head in his hands and bit his lips to keep from sobbing. The tears continued to roll down his face. As if it were his depression and anxiety bursting from the cage that he kept it in. Sherlock always saw emotions as a weakness. That was beaten into him as a child by his cold Father.

The kitten pushed his way into Sherlock's lap and began to lick away his tears. Meowing as he did so. The kitten brushed his face against Sherlock's. Sherlock chuckled softly and pulled his face up.

Sherlock brushed his fingers gently on the kitten's head. "You aren't so bad." He mused, listening to the purring kitten. "You aren't afraid of me are you?" As if the kitten had heard him, he licked his wrist.


"Sherlock, you wouldn't believe the day-" He stopped mid-sentence dropping his belongings to the floor. His eyes ran to the bunk. Sherlock layed on his back, curls loose and wild. His shirt opened up a bit and the stray kitten curled up against his neck. He guessed they would be keeping the tiny kitten after all.

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