Teenlock Five: R-R-Ratatouille

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"Okay, so, five for Jurassic Park and two for Ratatouille." Lestrade sniffed, tossing Ratatouille back at me. "Sorry boys." I groan, sliding down in my chair. I hate dinosaurs. The fact that those people thought it was a good idea to bring dinosaurs back to life just gives me high anxiety. Egh.

I look over to the new kid, Sherlock, who just arrived this morning with his older brother Mycroft. He looks completely miffed. And weirdly attractive at the same time. I nibble on my upper lip.

"Um, Sherlock, we cu-could watch this in-in my room if you like?" He turns his piercing eyes on me and my heart almost stops mid-beat. "I-If you want t-to."

He just stares at me. His eyes are beautiful. And they contrast sharply with his thick, dark curls. "Sure." He says in a bored tone. I give him a sharp nod and then hop off the couch, gripping onto the DVD case as if my life depended on it. I trip the entire way up the stairs, which makes Sherlock chuckle a bit louder than normal. I push open the door and go straight to he DVD player.

"You get your own room?" Sherlock says, rather softly.

"N-Not really." I shrug. "I used t-to share it w-with another kid, but h-he was adopt-ted." I toss the empty CD case on the floor and begin my search for the remote. "Y-You or y-your brother will get th-the tuh-top bunk. The oth-ther gets a room with Lestr-trade." I blush, trying to force the words out. God, I hope he doesn't find me annoying.

"I hope I room with you." He says, his voice soft and honest.

I clear my throat a bit. "Uh, why di-didn't you wanna wat-t-tch Jurrasic Park?" He looks up at me, adorably. Like no one has ever asked him a question before.

"I just find the whole senario completely irritating. And ridiculous." He huffs, pushing his hair from his face. He clearly recovered from he shock.

"A rat contra-tr-trolling s-someone's mot-tor functions and successfully running a rest-taurant is some how l-less ridiculous?" I chuckle, grabbing the remote and dropping down into the bed beside him. Sherlock blushes slightly at my comment.

"So why don't you want to watch Jurassic Park?" Sherlock says, giving me a devilish grin. It's the first time he has smiled while showing his teeth.

I duck my head a bit. "The whole entire sta-story line is ab-absolutely terrifying t-to me." He lets out a low laugh, that sends a shiver through my entire body. "I-I'm serious!" I say loudly, shoving a pillow into his face. He lets out a loud, full laugh. It's beautiful. And he should do it more often. We snuggle up under a blanket in our respective spots.


A third of the way through the movie, I gather up my courage. "Y-you don't muh-mind my st-st-stutter?" I ask quietly, he turns to me, suddenly very close to me.

"Not at all, I find it quite endearing actually." His whisper is low and gravelly. "Does someone in the house not like it?"

"Th-they find i-it annoying." I shrug, keeping my eyes on his. Refusing to look away. "Ex-except Lest-trade and Mrs.H-Hudson."

"And me." He says, kissing my cheek. I yelp and blush. "You are adorable." He laces his fingers with mine and we relax into each other. I sigh and smile.

Stutter John is cute John.

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