Heart of the Child

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Faith awoke from her slumber, the sun shone bright, causing the shadows of the night fall away. The Alchemist was still stroking her hair, to comfort her. She opened her eyes all the way and she looked into His eyes of deep compassion and love. But pain throbbed in her heart as she gazed into the depths of those eyes.

"I'm sorry that I keep wandering from You..." she looked away for the shame she carried would not allow her to keep looking at Him.

In response to her apology, she saw from the corner of her eye Hi s hand drawing near. She cringed for fear of being struck only to be surprised with His hand gently caressing her cheek. Tears ran along her cheek and onto His fingers. He wiped them away.

"My dear, your sins are forgiven. Go and sin no more," He spoke compassionately.

Faith wept in His bosom and He held her head to it. The steady thump-thump, thump-thump, thump-thump of his heart stilled her fears and gave her courage to speak to Him, "It's so hard. I believe You and the words You say to me, but I always feel afraid and in doubt. At times I still think I'm Fearful... and always will be so..."

"I know you do. But, you are always held close to My heart. I love you so much more than you can fathom," the Alchemist's chest vibrated along with His beating heart, warming her own heart.

"Such love is beyond me," Faith climbed on His lap and looked up, "I've not trusted You all the way. I keep turning back to the Hypnotist."

"And my grace and mercy spreads far beyond anything you can do to push it away, My child," His fingers combed her hair out of the way, "You are Mine. The Hypnotist has no ownership over you anymore."

The Alchemist raised Faith to her feet and stood and walked around to face her. Planting a kiss on her forehead.

"I have such a pain inside me," Faith held her mouth and throbbing heart at once, "It speaks louder than I can handle."

"Come, My child... closer," the Alchemist wrapped His arms tight around Faith's quivering form. Her cries were muffled in His chest, and He continued to whisper love, peace, and His joy over her.


Faith's feet walked one step after another, walking close to the Alchemist. Not one word was spoken. Pure silence, pure peace, pure love. That's all Faith needed now... mending and healing came just from feeling the Presence of the One who lit her way. So often He called her, drew her closer... And that's more than she could ever want. After so long of running... Faith wanted to settle and not hold anything back. She wanted to know Him more and wanted Him to hold her heart, though doing that was so difficult at times, and she kept turning away. For now, she clung on tightly to Him and heard His breathing, seeing His eyes twinkling as He'd draw her closer to hug her as they walk. The silence seemed to wash over and soothe her broken mind, heart and spirit. She knew now that everything she needed was in Him, and everything that was lost she'd find in Him. But, she also knew it was a process and she still needed to learn to trust fully on Him, because in her heart, she knew He was true and noble and just.

Alchemist: A Journey of FaithWhere stories live. Discover now