Faith in the Unknown

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"Do you trust Me?" His voice asked Faith. It had been a long and hard fight tonight and Faith's former master, The Hypnotist-- the ruler of the fortress of shadows-- was after her soul again.Faith stared at her lap with tears blurring her vision. Shadows swarmed around her as a cocoon, but there was the Sacred Alchemist asking again for her to trust Him. Hope was calling for her to rise again, rekindling the courage within her.

"My love, do you trust Me?" the Sacred Alchemist asked once more. She nodded and He took her hands to whisper, "Shut your eyes, I will lead you."

With that being said, Faith obeyed and shut her eyes. Then His Hand helped her to rise from the dust. Step by step Faith followed wherever she was guided by the hand she knew so well. The path became rockier and steeper, but still she kept her eyes shut and followed. The sounds in the valley, frightened her. Faith began to breathe heavily as she heard whispers from all around her, hands grabbed her legs, her cloak and feet, slowing her walk and pulling her away from the Alchemist. She kicked the hands off and allowed the One who led her to pull her out. Again He whispered, "Do you trust Me?" With her eyes still closed she whispered back, "Yes."

"Fear not. I AM here." He responded then the trek continued. And the sounds of a forest welcomed them. Howling wolves, owls hooting and growls in the bushes. Faith was drawn closer to the Alchemist. Her face held to His bosom, she heard the steady heartbeat and a peace rested on her, as they knelt to the ground together and He covered Faith with a robe to keep warm that night. Once more the Alchemist asked, "Do you trust Me?"

"I trust You." she answered.

"Lie down and rest, I will be with you through the night." He promised.

Faith lay her head down inside the warmth and comfort of the robe she wore and soon she fell into a peaceful slumber.

When the songs of the birds greeted her morning, she heard the Alchemist's Voice whisper in her ear and say, "Open your eyes, my love. For the night has passed and the dawn is broken. Arise to meet the day." Faith opened her eyes and looked up, the first thing she awoke to was the Alchemist standing before her, the sun behind His back, and His arms spread wide, waiting to catch her up in an embrace. Faith leapt up and ran into His arms as He set her on the path before her... With brand new horizons, possibilities, adventures awaiting her.

Alchemist: A Journey of FaithWhere stories live. Discover now