Axel looked at me then as if to ask if I was serious. I grinned sheepishly and he shook his head. But, I was glad to see that he was smiling.

    "Your awful charm," he read next, flipping the page. "Your dumb jokes."

    Axel laughed and I did too. I wondered why I felt vulnerable to show this.

    "Is this books underlying message about why I'm a horrible human?" he asked.

    "Whoops." I grinned. "You've caught me."     

    Axel shook his head and flipped to the fifth page. He paused at the page and I blushed, remembering what I had written there. I looked down shyly.

    "You're kind of sweet." He grinned at me. "Aw, do you really think that?"

    "Shut up," I mumbled.

All of the sudden, he flipped to the next page. "You're kind of funny too."

"Hey!" I exclaimed, reaching for the book. "Five pages only!"

Axel laughed and stepped back, but I kept going for him. I was so embarrassed and Axel looked so pleased that I wanted to jump off of a bridge. Knowing I wanted him to stop, I tried to reach for the book, but Axel held it up, leaving me huffing with frustration because I could never reach it. I hated him.

"I hate you," I said, crossing my arms over my chest. "I hope you know that."

"This book says otherwise." Axel grinned, causing me to blush.

Shaking my head, I turned around. It was lunch and I had no intentions of staying here longer. Not when Axel was so frustrating with his ways.

    "I'm going," I said flatly, walking off.

    But before I could go anywhere, a hand was suddenly wrapped around my wrist. It pulled me back lightly and I turned around to see Axel staring at me with wide eyes. Instead of getting mad at him for touching me, I just stared at him. And to my surprise, he blushed.

    "Go on a date with me," he blurted out.

    My eyes flew wide with surprise. I did not expect his words and not knowing what to say, I just stared at him, dumbstruck. I wasn't sure if he was serious.

    As if he read my mind, he said, "I'm serious Zoey. Go out with me."

    "Wh-what?" I stuttered out, surprised.

    After all this time, I forgot what Axel's intentions were with me. I had forgotten that he wanted the stupid kiss from me and suddenly, my defences were flying up. Remembering that Axel was probably using me, I stepped back, hurt. I thought we were friends, but it seemed like I was wrong.

    Axel seemed to sense something was wrong because he said, "It's not because of the kiss. Forget about the stupid kiss. I'm just asking you, who drives me crazy, to go on a date with me."

    I stared at him, feeling wary. This didn't seem right. For some reason, I couldn't believe Axel wanted to go on a date with me for reasons that weren't impure. Mom had taught me that boys - especially high school boys - always wanted something from you.

    Not knowing how to reject Axel, I said, "You know I don't date boys I don't like."

    "Zoey," Axel said softly. "Fine. It doesn't have to be a date. Let's just go somewhere and hang out. I just want to spend time with you. Is that so wrong?"

My heart stuttered at those words and I found myself blushing. Looking away, I wondered why I was being so difficult. Why was I always so stubborn with Axel? Shaking my head, I told myself that this was fine. We were just going to hang out as friends.

"Okay," I said. "Let's hang out."

"Really?" Axel seemed surprised, yet relieved.

I nodded. My insides felt warm as excitement bloomed across his features.

"Okay, after school? Is that fine?" he asked.

"As usual, you work fast." I smiled. "But sounds good."

Axel grinned and I stared at him, wondering how I got here. How in the world did I end up being his friend. When did I become able to stand him - most of the time.

Remembering something he said, I said, "By the way. It's you who drives me crazy."

To my surprise, delight was suddenly expressed in his eyes. "I sure hope so."

Not knowing what he meant, I blinked. Axel laughed and the sound was a lovely one that brought a smile to me. And to my utter surprise, I found myself becoming excited for our hangout.

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