Chapter 2

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“How did you know I was here?” Tiffany asked as she rubbed her fingers against her forehead.

“Your dad called me.” Jessica replied. Jessica has long hair passed her shoulders. She was wearing jeans with a casual top, while Tiffany was still in her pajamas. “Why, do you not want me here?”

“Of course I want you here! I was just surprised how you found me.” Still rubbing her forehead “Aigo, Daddy is so…he never trust his daughter!”

Tired of standing she gave herself permission to sit on Tiffany’s bed. “Maybe it’s because his daughter isn’t so smart that he has to worry about her all day and night.” Jessica joked.

“Hey! Is this how you’re going to greet your childhood best friend?” She raised her tone…but still rubbing her forehead.

“Why do you keep rubbing your forehead? What did you do? Let me see.” Pulling Tiffany’s hand from her forehead, Jessica could see the bruise on Tiffany’s forehead. No wonder she kept rubbing it. Must of hurt. “Ya! You got a bruise!” She yelled.

“What?! It’s all your fault! You swung the door open when I was right in front of it! Ow…I have a bruise now, great.” She whines as she checks in the mirror in the bathroom.

“Do you have any pain reliever cream?” Jessica asked as she looked around the room.

“Yeah, in my bag.”

“Here, let me help you.” Jessica walked in to the bathroom to help Tiffany with the pain reliever cream. She squeezed out a bit of cream from the bottle then rubbed the cream against Tiffany’s forehead.

While Jessica was rubbing the cream on her forehead, Tiffany eyes were on Jessica’s face. She hasn’t seen Jessica in person for 4 years now since Jessica moved back to Korea from the States, though they did keep in contact through the internet. And wow Tiffany thought to herself as she scans Jessica’s face from her forehead down to her chin. Her face is a bit different than before she thought, prettier to be exact.

“Jessica, you’re hot.” She finds herself saying it out loud then quickly covers her mouth.

“I know I am…” Jessica replied while still rubbing Tiffany’s forehead. “Since I’m at it, would you like a kiss along with it?”

Tiffany quickly nodded with a smile on her face but only to find disappointment to come. “You wish.” Jessica whispered as she backed away from Tiffany. “Your forehead should be ok now. Hurry, get dressed, I’ll show you around Seoul.” Jessica demanded as she smiled at Tiffany’s disappointed face.

After ten minutes, Tiffany has finished washing up and got dressed.

“Ok, I’m ready let’s go!” Tiffany excited said as she walked out of the bathroom. She had on a pair of jeans and pink top.

Both Tiffany and Jessica walked out of the hotel room, and closed the door.

“But we have to eat first.” Jessica added as they walk towards the elevator.

“I know. You like to eat. I remember.” Tiffany responded.


After Tiffany and Jessica ate lunch, Jessica showed Tiffany around. They went to parks, shopping malls/centers, theme parks, and as simple as riding on the bus looking out the window. Finally, there was a place that Jessica has to show Tiffany. It was their future university. It was Honey University.

“This is where we will be staying from tomorrow on for the next 4 years.” Jessica said.

“Wow, the school is beautiful! I’m going to have a great time here.” Excited Tiffany claimed, not knowing all the hardship she’ll face later on.

“Yeah, you won’t say that anymore after we start class.” There Jessica goes again, ruining the mood for Tiffany.

“Will we be roommates?” Tiffany asked.

“Yeah. With two other persons...kinda”

“What do you mean?”

“Well the building that we’re going to be in only has joint rooms. Meaning two rooms separated only by a shared bathroom for all four of us.” Jessica sighed “I’d rather be by myself.”

“Ay Jessica,” she nudged Jessica “You still haven’t changed a bit. Don’t be such a loner.”

“I’m not a loner. I’m already gonna share a room with you.” Jessica claims denying the fact that she doesn’t like people very much. “Hey, I’m hungry. Let’s go eat.” Jessica demanded.

“Eat? Again? Didn’t we just eat?” Tiffany questioned Jessica eating habits.

“That was lunch, now it’s dinner time. Let’s go!” and so Jessica dragged Tiffany along.


“(in Korean)No appa, everything is fine here. Don’t worry about me…I will move into the dorm tomorrow…Yes appa. Tell umma not to worry too much about me. I will be fine… Yes appa, goodbye.” As a girl hangs up her cell phone walking on the sidewalk of a street, another girl bump into her. The girl dropped her cell phone and at this time, the girl that bumped into her quickly grabbed her phone and ran.

“Ya! Come back! That’s my phone! Help! She took my phone!” The girl screamed as she chased after the other girl that took her cell phone. But no one seemed to care to stop the other girl.

The girl kept chasing the girl thief into a park where the other girl thief slipped on the watery ground. The girl who was chasing slowed down and walk towards the other girl thief who was down on the ground. Just when the girl thief was going to get back up and run, the other girl kicked her leg, making the girl thief fall down again.

“Give me back my phone!” The girl demanded while breathing heavily.

“What do you think you’re doing?!” said a third person with an extreme American accent towards the girl who want her phone back. “Why are you bullying another girl?” It was no one else but Tiffany. She was on her way back to the hotel with Jessica when the two girls caught their attention.

“What?!” The girl asked, still breathing heavily from the running.

“Tiffany, don’t mind them. Let’s go home.” Jessica said her calmed voice, not wanting bother other people nor to be bothered.

“You should go, I’ll talk some sense into this girl.” Tiffany bends down and lets the girl thief on the ground go.

“Ya! Come back!” The girl yelled as the other girl thief walked away sticking her tongue out. Then the girl turned back to Tiffany, “What do you think you’re doing?! Do you even know what’s going on?!” She screamed into Tiffany’s face with furious. Tiffany didn’t seem to care what the girl was trying to tell her. “She took my phone, you idiot!” She screamed again. “UHHH. This must be the most unluckiest day of my life!” The girl ran towards the direction that the girl stole her phone went.

Tiffany finally realized that she has misunderstood the whole situation and help the bad girl get away. “Hey! I’m sorry, I didn’t know.” Tiffany apologized but the girl has already left to chase the other girl.

Knowing she has done something wrong, Tiffany puts her head down and sighs. And since she did, she noticed a wallet on the ground where they were standing. She kneeled down to pick it up. After scanning the person’s ID she knew it was the girl who she had wrongfully accused. “Her name is Taeyeon? Hmm, she looks familiar in this picture. Hey Jessica, have you ever seen her before?” Tiffany asked as she turned her attention to Jessica and showed her the ID.

“No, never seen her before in my life.” Jessica answered after she took a two second glance at the ID.

Tiffany continued to dig the wallet to see if she could find a way to return the wallet to this “Taeyeon” girl. “Oh look, her student card. She’s going to Honey University too! We can find her there tomorrow and return it!” Finally Tiffany let out a smile after all the guilt she felt.

“Ok, now let’s go home shall we?” Jessica forced out a smile because though she asked…it was more like a command.

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