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The day of auditions, I realized that there was absolutely no wayI was going to try out for the part of Lisle. That was one of the main parts! She had a solo! I could never do that! I resolved to try out for Louisa and Louisa alone.

I sat alone on a stool in the corner, clutching the piece of paper that had my lines written on them. They were Louisa's lines, from the scene where she was asking Maria about their outdoor adventures.

"Can we do this everyday? How about every other day?" I whispered, shutting my eyes, then looking back at the paper to see if I had gotten it right. I smiled. I had all that I needed to say memorized. Now the worst part: saying them in front of the people who could decide whether I had talent or was just an average actor with no promise.

Don't think about that, I told myself. 

"Hey, kid!" a voice said. I looked up from under my hoodie and saw a boy, about my age, standing in front of me. He was tall, and had blonde hair that swooped up on his forehead. His eyes were an intense blue. I looked down, self-conscious. 

What did he want?

"Is that seat taken?" he asked. I looked up. He was pointing at the seat next to me. I shook my head, then looked down again. To my surprise, he sat down next to me.

"Everywhere else is taken," he said, as if to explain his actions. I nodded, not looking at him. There was a pause.

"What's your name, kid?" he asked.

"Uh..Foster," I said quickly.

"Hmm," he said. "I'm Blaise. What part are you trying out for?" 

"Louisa," I said quickly.

"Oh," he said. He sounded almost disappointed. "I'm trying out for Ralf. I think I probably qualify the most out of all these people for the part. Don't you think so?" I shrugged. I honestly had no idea, but I wasn't going to say that out loud. I looked over at where the auditions were happening. A girl was singing her heart out in front of four people sitting at a desk. They did not look impressed. I gulped.

"Foster!" said a familiar voice. There was Leondre, walking towards me, smile on his face. 

"H-hi!" I said, cracking a smile, then looking down again. He looked at Blaise, confused.

"Hi Blaise," Leo said, brow furrowed. "I didn't know you were into theater."

"Oh, yeah," Blaise said, flipping his hair. "I'm big into acting."

"Cool," Leo said, looking skeptical. "Hey, I saw that there was a seat open next to Estelle. Don't you want to sit with her?" Blaise looked at me, then back at Leo.

"Oh, yeah, I guess so," he said, standing up and walking towards a girl in a short skirt and high tops. Leo sat next to me.

"Phew, glad we got rid of him!" Leo said, running a hand through his dark hair. "He thinks he's everything. He's one of the most popular, and most obnoxious kids in this school." I nodded.

"So what part are you trying out for today?" Leo asked me.

"Louisa," I answered. 

"Cool!" Leo said. 

"What part are you trying out for?" I asked.

"I'm gonna try for Ralf," he said. "It's a big part, but I think I can take it on. Even if I'm a freshman, I think I'm tall enough to play the part." I nodded. Leo had a very different approach to this part than Blaise. I thought I would rather had Leo get the part, hands down.

"Blaise Hemson," one of the people at the desk called. Blaise stood up, and walked over to the platform.

"Let's watch this," Leo whispered to me. "I need to check out the talent of the competition." I nodded, and leaned forward, towards the stage. The four people asked Blaise a few questions, and he answered them, all with a cheeky attitude. One of the people frowned and marked something down on her notepad. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2016 ⏰

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