I really hoped that she and Aaron had something permanent going because they were obviously happy together. Feeling like a total voyeur for watching them I moved into the kitchen where they both were.

-"You ready to have a wild investigation?" Aaron asked me when I walked closer.

-"I think so." I felt so nervous, I wasn't to sure what to expect tonight.

-"Aaron asked me to go, but I told him there is no way I am stepping foot in that creepy house." Cathy piped in.

I took a seat next to Aaron.

-"It's alright babe. These things can get pretty intense, especially if it's as active as Zak says."

-"He said that?" I asked curiously.

-"Yeah, he's pretty psyched about it. He's a little concerned about what's there though ..." Aaron trailed off.

-"What do you mean?"

-"Well ... "He shifted awkwardly in his seat. "Zak, he's an empath, he can get feelings from places and spirits, and what he felt in that house of yours Ana ... it scared him. I could tell it did ... we worked long enough together that I can tell."

This shocked me slightly. I was not one to believe in that sort of things, spirits, psychics and all that mumbo jumbo. My father's old house was the exception, and even there I wasn't sure I totally understood what was going on there. But I had always been a science and facts kind of girl.

-"An empath?" I said with humor in my voice.

-"I'm serious! It's one reason why when we get back from investigation that he is so moody after, it takes its toll on his mind. It does on all of us, but him more so."

I was left with that information to stew over since Aaron received a text telling him and I to meet Zak and Nick at a local diner. Aaron gave Cathy a lingering kiss that made me feel rather awkward and then wondering if I needed to get a hose to break them up. Aaron drove the rental car, while I took my car. The diner was only a couple minutes away from the guy's hotel.

Zak and Nick were already sitting in the fifties style both. The whole diner had a classic look to it. The tables and seats were that classic robin's egg blue. The restaurant itself was white with bright red stripes. The old jukebox was playing Eddie Cochran, 'Summertime Blues'. Nick waved us over, he sat on one side, while Zak was on the other side. Aaron sat next to Nick leaving the seat next to Zak free.

I found I had a hard time looking at Zak without wanting to blush at the thought of my very explicit dream. I sat down without glancing at him and quickly grabbed a menu when our pretty waitress wearing a poufy poodle skirt and a high ponytail came over.

Aaron only ordered coffee since he had already eaten. Nick and Zak got the breakfast special and I opted for some tea and fruit, since I laid eyes on Zak when I entered the restaurant my stomach had been doing backflips. Then again it seemed to always do that when I was around Zak.

-"So Billy is going to be here in a few hours. He's going to meet us at the house this afternoon so we can set up." Zak said as soon as the waitress walked away. His tone was all business. "Aaron and I are going to canvas the neighborhood, ask questions and see what we can dig up. Nick and Ana, you two head over to the historical society and see what you can find out about the house and property."

I felt a little stab of hurt when he said those words. He was sending me off with Nick, and not him. It was almost like he was purposely avoiding me. As I dared to glance at Zak I noticed today he wasn't wearing his glasses. Well he was, just not his prescription glasses. He had one a pair of sun glasses which did a good job at hiding the now sickly yellow and discolored bruise.

Waking up Hitched in Vegas | Ghost Adventures Zak Bagans FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now