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I sighed as I tapped on the table waiting for the lunch bell to ring. "Okay, how about this dress?" Caz asked. "Oh yeah. That's the one." I said in a bored tone. "C'mon Y/N you didn't even look." Caz whined. I sighed and looked at the dress. "Yes, it's lovely Caz. Now please let me get on with my work." I said. Caz sighed and slumped back. "Fine. We're still on for tonight right?" She asked. "I dunno. I have a feeling dad wants to talk to me about sneaking out last night." I said. Caz huffed and crossed her arm. The bell rang and we stood up and grabbed our bags. "Look I'll try and sneak out. I'm not promising anything, though." I said. "Yey, okay. This is going to be so much fun." She squealed as she hugged me tightly and ran off. 

I took a deep breath and ran my hand through my brown (with pink dip dye) curls and walked off to my locker exchanging books for my last two lessons. "Well, she's a handful." A voice said making me jump. I looked to see Jimin standing there. "She isn't a handful she's just...." I said thinking. "She's just?" He questioned. "She has a persona that's all." I said. "She's the bad popular girl and you are her best friend. The nice unpopular girl." He said. "Okay, that's not true. I'm just as popular as Caz." I said crossing my arms as I closed my locker. "Really because if that's true where is your fan base?" He asked. "Well they're.....they're...." I said looking around. "Non-existant." He said. "Like you then." I said. "What?" He asked before laughing. 

"Well, either that or you're not new." I said. "I am new." He huffed pushing his cheeks out. "Oh yeah? How come Caz hasn't heard of you?" I asked looking him up and down. "Maybe it's because she had her head too far up her ass to notice." He said. I glared at him. "Y'know Caz is okay once you get to know her." I said. He laughed. "Yeah, right." He snorted. "Okay, what is wrong with you?" I asked him. "What? Nothing's wrong with me." He stated. "Oh yeah? Well, you seem to have a problem with my best friend." I said. "Believe me, she isn't your best friend." He said. "What do you know?" I asked as I started getting angry with him. "I know that she's just using you to make her feel better and once she's done with you, she'll throw you away." He said. "Well, you seem to be educated." I said. "Yes, yes I am. Unlike you." He said. "What does that mean?" I asked. "It means stay away from Cassidy Salvador." He growled. I shook my head and looked down before looking back up at him but he wasn't there.


For the rest of the day I hadn't seen Jimin anywhere. I looked down as I walked. "Hey y'know what would be fun?" Caz asked. "What?" I asked. "If you came to school in something that's not...well you." She said. I gave her a confused look. "You can borrow some of my clothes." She said. "No thanks, I'll just stick to mine." I said. "But Y/N." She whined. "Your clothes are all boring and ugh." She said. "I like boring and ugh." I said. "Just please come in wearing something different?" She asked. "For me?" She added. I sighed and smiled. "Okay. I'll come in wearing something different." I said. Caz squealed and hugged me before getting into her car. "Wanna ride?" She asked. I smiled and jumped in. "Let's go." She said as she drove off. 


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Love you all


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