Part Two.

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 Dark passion

   (A Sequal toTransferred.)


                               Part Two:




I frowned.

"Listen, Eri. Stay out of my way. Got it?"

I now glared at my sister. She has no right to say that.

"Then stay out of mine"

"I don't beleive she has to listen you."

Someone stepped out from the shadows of the forest. He was tall, around Sara's age. With black hair and piercing yellow eyes.

As I stared him down, he smirked.

"You are Sara's younger sister after all"

Takuma stepped in front of me and glared at the guy before us.


Sara chuckled.

"This is Kurai,Takuma"

She eyed Takuma mischeviously and he could tell exzactly where she was getting at.

Takuma chuckled,

" Are you trying to make me jealous, Sara?"

I rolled my eyes and walked the other way.

Takuma caught up after a while. I shook my head.

"What is it, Eri?"

I clentched my hand into a fist.

"Sara is never going to leave us alone, Takuma"

I should of killed her while I had the chance.


I ran a hand through my hair. I needed to think.

"Takuma.. were you really going to purpose?"

Takuma stopped and for the longest time he didn't say anything.

My heart pounded.

" It was susposed to be a suprise actually"

He sighed. I looked up at him and then back down at the grassy floor.

"It's never going to work, Takuma"

I frowned. I felt like crying.

I worked so hard to get him back and now I'm not even sure If I can have him.

Takuma looked shattered.

"I want to so much, but-"

"Then marry me"

He pulled me into a hug.

"If you do, I won't let anything come between us. I'll never hurt you, Eri and even if you say no I won't stop trying until the day I die. I promise."

"I love you"

he cooed into my ear.

I began laughing and he pulled away.

"What's so funny?"

I wrapped my arms around Takuma's neck and planted a kiss opon his lips.

I couldn't ask for anyone better than Takuma.

When we pulled away he smiled down at me and reached into his pocket brining out a Silver case.

My heart skipped a beat, I cannot beleive this is actually happening.

He pulled out a Beautiful Blue saphire and Diamond ring and slipped it onto my ring finger where it hugged my finger perfectly.

"How did you know my ring size?"

"I sort of guessed"

He scratched the back of his neck sheepishly. I smiled.

Then He's a good guesser.

"Takuma! Eri!"

I turned around to see his Grandmother running up the hill frantically.

Once she got close enough she spotted us and come toward us.

"there you a-"

Her eyes widened.

"Oh my! Y-You two are Soaking wet!"

I was expecting her to of noticed the ring -.-

"Come on! Get inside before you two catch pnemonia"

She pushed us back to the house.

Julia is a nice woman, don't get me wrong, but-

She can go a bit over-board.

Takuma and I were forced to huddle together in a heated blanket.

It was December, but today was one of those warm winter days so getting wet from the river didn't really get me cold.

"Here, I brang you Tea"

Two cups of steaming tea wa placed before us. I looked down into the cup,

Earl Grey Tea, we meet again.

Transferred-(Vampire Knight)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt