Part Eleven.

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Part Eleven: Lost and Found.

I was walking through a crowd of people in town on the brick road. The town was busy due to crazy shoppers. That is when I saw him.


Everything blacked out, and I opened my eyes to daylight. It was just a stupid dream. Tears pricked at my eyes and I slammed my fist down on my pillow.

This is so unfair.

It had been a year since I last seen Takuma, and I am still searching for him.

I'm begining to lose hope.

Today I'm susposed to go to a meeting between the Vampire and Hunter Society. The Kuran's had invited me. ( in other words, Kaname & Yuuki)

I got up from my bed and got dressed into a Royal blue dress and Curled my hair to look more "elegant". Aparently I had to act that way because I'm a pureblood. Truthfully, I don't like how purebloods are not treated equally amoung the other vampires. I beleive all races should be treated equally, royal blood, or not.

I Left my apartment and headed to the meeting. It's actually strange that both Hunters and Vampires are having a meeting together. I guess my foster fathers' pacifism is spreading.

When I arrived at the party, the people there were like paparazzi's. And I don't think I'm that good at acting all proper, either. So I went upstairs to find a bathroom to get away from everyone. Honestly, I'd rather be out searching for Takuma than be here.

The first room I found nothing,second: nothing, Third: two people so I akwardly closed the door, and fourth: Nothing.By the time I walked up to the fifth door and opened it, I actually had to go to the bathroom.

Rima and Shiki were standing there and...


My eyes widened and I felt everything get blurry.


The three looked at the unconcious Eri. She had fainted.

Eri and Sara looked identical when Eri curled her hair so it was easy for people to mistake them. They were twin sisters after all. Rima and Shiki couldn't tell the difference either.. Takuma ran to see who he thought was Sara and picked her up.

I woke up inside a comfortable four poster bed with silky green sheets. I sat up to see Rima and Shiki sitting in chairs looking rather bored, and I remembered-

"Where's Takuma!?"

They looked at eachother and the Rima slapped her forhead.

This didn't look good.




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