Part One

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Dark passion -A  Sequal to Transferred.


Part One:



A knock made the both of us jump.

"Are you two finished dressing? You have a guest waiting downstairs."

Takuma sighed and got up from the bed, which I did as well.

When the two of us walked tiredly down the staircase, I noticed it was..

Kain and Aido.

We were up by about two flights of stairs but I could tell plain as daylight.

Sometimes it is nice being a pureblood.

"I can't beleive you dragged me all the way here just to see Eri. You have a thing for her, don't you?"

I heard that and laughed. But the expression on Takuma's face told me that he didn't like that.

"I'm just joking, Hanabusa. Lighten up"


Kain looked as if he'd seen a ghost.

"I Told you he was alive. I'll be taking my 50 dollars, now"

Takuma sweatdropped, and I was fuming.

"You came over here this early for a bet?!"

Aido began backing up,

"Thats not the only reason- "

He squinted his eyes shut as I raised my fist,

"Don't hurt me-"
I dropped my hand. I wasn't in the mood anyways.

"Come! Sit down. Would any of you like tea?"

Ichijo's grandmother waved them over to the living room.


Kain said.

"What about you?"

She asked Hanabusa.

"No thank you"


She asked and he nodded yes.


I shook my head,

"I'm okay, Mrs. Ichijo."

I learned that the only tea she had was Earl Grey: which I'm not very fond of.


She clentched her teeth, in a threatening way. Yesterday she had learned I had been inside a coma for several months.

"It's good for you"

Now she was making sure I ate right for my health.

I don't mean to sound rude or anything, but after a while with his grandmother..she can get..overbearing and sometimes too melo-dramatic.

I looked over to Takuma and his face told me that I should just say yes. I sighed.


After Hanabusa and Kain had visited for a while, they had left and Takuma had told me he wanted to take me to Someplace special.

I couldn't see where We we going because aparently I had to wear a blindfold.

I laughed as I hopped on his back. He was giving me a piggy back ride.

"You can jump off now"

"Oh, I can?"

He chuckled as I hopped off. I removed my blindfold and stepped forward. There was a beautiful fountain before us. The warm sun shined down and it was just magnificent.

Untill I fell in the water.


I tried to swim up to the surface but I didn't know how.

I can't Swim.


I was falling deeper and deeper to the bottom, until I heard a splash and felt somthing come my way.

It was Takuma.

He scooped me up with one arm and brought me to the surface in a heartbeat.

When I was pulled out of the water I began coughing water up.

"Eri,I'm so sorry.."

I sat up once I had stopped coughing.

"It's not your fault-"

I coughed once more, and continued,

"You didn't know I couldn't swim"

I looked up at him.

He smiled half heartedly and pushed a piece of hair from my face.

He gazed down at me with loving eyes, and pressed his lips to mine.

I swear he could feel my heartbeat it was pounding so loud..

He slid his tounge along my lower lip and entered the inside of my mouth.

With each momment he knew how to make the best of the kiss.

Once we broke apart he began leaving soft kisses around my jawline and neck. I gasped out loud when he kissed a certain part of my neck. I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him closer as I felt his fangs pierce through my skin.

"Eri..I have somthing to ask you"

Takuma licked up the last of my blood. I kissed his lips one last time.

"What is it?"

I asked,

"So are you trying to purpose to my sister, now?"

My eyes widened.

Standing before us was..


Takuma stood up, and so did I.

"If you actually think you killed me with that Candle Stick you both are pretty ignorant"

Transferred-(Vampire Knight)Where stories live. Discover now