Chapter 19

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(Y/n)'s POV

The next morning, I went to Jamie's place. *sigh* What was there to do in my life? Someone tapped my shoulder. I jumped. Jack laughed.

"Don't scare me like that!"
"You afraid, snowflake?" I just gave him a 'seriously' face.
"Anyway, I came here to get you. Come on."

He grabbed my hand and flew to a place I've never seen before. I looked around in shock. The whole place was destroyed by a bushfire. Jack put me down.

"I'm really sorry but I have to be somewhere right now," Jack told me.
"Oh, that's alright. You can go, I'll just tell Jake to pick me up." He smiled.
"Thanks, bye."

He flew off. I started to heal the plants. I wonder who did this. They obviously didn't like forests. Don't tell me they wanted to make a profit out of this... Destroying trees so there was less oxygen and then they'd just sell fake oxygen. Grrrrrr, those people.

There weren't any storms or lightning because this place looked like it was in drought. This was gonna take forever but I didn't care since I was helping the environment. If only people would look after their surroundings a little more.

~30 minutes later~

Finally finished. I whistled and Jake came almost immediately.

"Where do you want to go?" he asked. I shrugged.
"Anywhere is fine, I guess."

I got on but before he could even fly into the air, someone shot an arrow at a tree nearby. We turned around and saw Demitra, bruised and dirty. I glared at her. How did she escape?!

"What are you doing here?!" She just laughed.
"I've finally escaped from your prison cell."
"First, it was just a small dusty room and second, that's where you should belong!"
"I don't want to go back there. I've had enough!"

She shot multiple death arrows at me. I dodged them just in time. North came up behind her and tied her hands up.

"Let me go!"
"No, that's enough, Demitra!" She looked frightened by his voice. She looked down.
"You can go now, I'll take care of her," North said.
"Okay, but be careful." Jake flew away. I hung on tight. He flew around aimlessly. This was peaceful but I shouldn't make him tired.
"Can you please go to Bianca's place?"
"Yeah sure."

In the next few minutes, we had arrived. For some reason, Bianca wasn't home. She must be out with her friends.

"She's on a date with Jamie," Jack said out of nowhere.
"...I guess that was expected?" We walked around for a bit. I looked at the ice-cream stand.
"Want one?" Jack asked. I nodded. A little girl looked at me and smiled.
"Hey look mummy, it's Mother Nature!" Her mum just looked confused.
"There's nothing there, honey." I held a finger up to my lips. She understood and stopped arguing.
"Would you mind getting an ice cream for me? I'll pay you back." She nodded.
"Mummy, can I please have two?"
"Isn't that a bit too much?"
"No, you know me. I can eat a lot."

Her mum got two for her. When she turned around, the little girl quickly gave the ice-cream to me. I payed her back. Her mother looked at her, surprised.

"You finished already?! And where did you get that money from?"
"Oh, I gave the ice-cream to Mother Nature and she paid me back."

Her mother just shrugged it off. *sigh in relief* She didn't get in trouble. I finished my ice-cream.

"Hey, you didn't save any for me," Jack exclaimed.
"So? You can just make it yourself."
"You're mean." I laughed.
"I was just joking."
"Yeah yeah."
"You look beautiful."
"*blush* Don't change the topic!"
"I wasn't changing the topic," he replied innocently.
"Yeah right *sarcasm*" He laughed.
"Okay okay, let's go." He grabbed my hand. We headed back to North's place.
"Where's Demitra?"
"Locked her up," he replied.
"Oh and where's Pitch?"
"I don't know, he left ages ago saying that he went to do something that he had to do but might not be coming back."

Oh... At least we knew he wasn't evil anymore so we wouldn't have to worry about him...that much.

"I'm bored."
"Let's play hide and seek," Tooth suggested.
"Yeah, okay."
"Who's counting?" Jack asked.
"Um...Bunny, count up to 50." We ran off.
"Why me?! Ugh, fine. 1, 2, 3..." I hid in a closet. Hopefully he wouldn't find me.

Bunny's POV

"50! Ready or not, here I come!"

I walked around. Where could they be hiding? Jake came up to me. He seemed to be saying something but I couldn't understand.

"Do you know where they're hiding?" He nodded.
"Will you show me?" He shook his head.
"Awww, why not?"

He just ran off. I couldn't ask for help, Jack's just call me a brainless kangaroo. I heard a rattle in the closet. I slowly walked up to it and opened the door. (Y/n) was inside.

"Hey...Bunny," she said awkwardly.
"You're counting next, help me find the others." She sighed and got out.
"Follow me." I followed her and soon found everyone.
"Oi! That's cheating, you knew where we were hiding!" Jack argued.
"So? I still won." Everyone else grunted.
"(Y/n), get ready to count."
"1, 2, 3..." We quickly ran off.

(Y/n)'s POV

"Ready or not, here I come!" I just went to the kitchen and made myself a meal. About one hour later, everyone came.
"You weren't looking for us?!" North asked, annoyed.
"Was I supposed to?"
"Ahh!" Everyone chased after me. I laughed.

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