Chapter 15

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(Y/n)'s POV

I looked around. How did it suddenly turn to this?! Instead of a forest, I was in a world that was under the sea. And somehow, I could breathe underwater. This could be a problem with my fire power though.

I swam towards the underwater city. There were lots of sea creatures and buildings, plus some coral and seaweed/kelp. But the buildings didn't seem to have any 'people' living there.

Suddenly, someone attacked me with a gravity-like force. I turned around and saw a girl with blonde hair. She had one green and one blue eye.

"Um hi?" She just glared at me.
"Stop trying to start a casual conversation, puny human of Earth." She was weird.
"You cannot beat the gravity of 'Supersinia'." (I know, it's a rubbish name).

I tried to get my fire to work but it didn't. I guess I need a lot of willpower and stuff to ignite it. She laughed.

"You're powerless in water!"

I glared at her and took out a dagger. She was gonna get a painful death. I swam towards her but she pushed me back with gravity. I hit a rock. My head was starting to bleed.

"So you want pain as well? It's better to give me more." I smiled insanely.
"You are truly a tiny insect that I'll crush with my fingers."
"I'd liked to see you try."

She swam towards me and punched me. Then she made waves in the water (with gravity) and used it like whips. They hurt a lot. I laughed.

"Oh now you've got me serious." I attacked her with my stronger fire power. She was hurt and shocked. I giggled sadistically.
"That's why you shouldn't have hurt me in the first place."

I kicked and punched her until she was unconscious. I stabbed her in the shoulder and left. I found another door and went through. This time, I was in a desert. At least I had the heat on my side. I kept walking around aimlessly with no particular location in mind.

"Three players left," it somehow announced through the sky. I kept walking. Luckily the heat didn't affect as much as it would to a normal person.
"You took the bag I was aiming for." I turned around and saw the same girl with horns.
"Don't care."

She sent a sand storm towards me. I covered my face. Sand power, huh? I guess you could say the desert was a good environment for that.

"Why did you want this bag?"
"Just. It seemed interesting." I rolled my eyes.
"Now for your pain!"

She looked completely unaffected by my personality but I didn't care. I sent a blast of fire towards her. She dodged but some of her hair got burnt. She looked extremely angered.

"Now the one I love won't like me! You ruined my beautiful hair!"
"You can feel the pain?" I asked sadistically.
"Enough with that stupid personality!"

She created a giant sand monster and it made me bleed. I fell to my knees. I will not lose!

Don't give up.
Oh it'll take a lot more than that!

I had an angered/determined look in my eyes. I guess you could say I looked crazily frightening. She looked at me in fear. I smiled and slowly walked towards her. She backed away while sending multiple sand attacks at me but it didn't affect me.

It hurt but I didn't mind. I continued and shot fire at her a few times then she went unconscious, with tears coming out of her eyes. I guess she really did want to impress the person that she loved but I couldn't care less about her. I went through another door and arrived back in the forest.

"Only two players left! Who. Will. Win. The. Final. Battle!" I came face to face with a boy with a strong build. *gulp*

He came running at me and tried to hit me but I burnt his hand. He healed and kicked me to the side. I tried to get up but he was too strong. He held me by my clothes and threw into the air then kicked me away. I coughed up blood.

"Stop the match! It's clear that we have a winner!" I lost...I guess it was time for more punishment. I was teleported back and found myself in my room.
"You lost," Demitra stated.
"Sorry, I guess."
"*sigh* You won't get any punishment today because you already received some while you were beat."
"Um thanks?" She left. I switched back. I was going to need some sleep, that was tiring.

(A/N): Sorry for the shorter chapter.

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