Chapter Two: Strange Occurrences

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My curiosity gets the better of me as I run to the edge of the cliff. I look down and see nothing. I start yelling out; “Hello! Are you down there? Do you need help?!”

I rip out my earphones and listen carefully. As I go to walk away I hear a loud moan from the bottom of the cliff. I concentrate on where the thing should have fallen and see something crawl across the ground. The thing stands up and starts dragging itself, once again across the road. As I go to call out once more, the school bus beeps it's horn behind me and I quickly scatter in.

   I put my earphones back in and start to walk to my usual seat. The bus driver starts driving before I get there, and I fall flat on my face. Everyone laughed. Everyone except one boy who was sitting in my seat. I’ve never seen him before and we’d never met. That didn’t stop him from getting out of his seat and giving me a hand to help me up. I reached up for his hand and as he pulled me up he introduced himself.

“H-hello…my name’s Harry…What’s yours?” He smiled.

“Uhm…” I dusted myself off, “my name’s Scarlett.” I smiled back.

Harry grabbed my wrist and as he lead me back to my seat, he picked up my books and handed them to me.

“So you’re new here?” I asked looking up at him.

“Yeah…I moved schools over the weekend” He sat down in a seat next to mine. “Oh…was this your seat?”

“Aha yeah, you can sit there though” I sat next to him and put my books back into my bag. I looked out the window and saw a man just like before but he just lay on the floor. Harry looked at my expression and looked in the same direction. “What the heck is that?!” he asked almost scared.

“I…I don’t quite know.” I whispered “I saw something like it back there…it fell off a cliff. B-but it survived…I got straight back up and walked off”

Harry looked at me as if I was joking, “Ahahaha good one…”

I grabbed his arm and look up at him, “I’m not joking Harry…” I looked him straight in the eyes. “Why would I…?”

Scarlett Turner vs The Apocalyptic RaceWhere stories live. Discover now