Just a dream?

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Time: 6.13 p.m

Halloween Eve

An usually rainy afternoon got me looking on the window,admiring all the children that are trying to catch some candies from neighbours while listening to good old music and hoping for my best friend,Julia to come as fast as she can at my place.

After drinking a cup of tea and slightly putting it down on the table,the light bulb began breaking.

I was trying to fix it.

The second I put my fairy skin on the broken lightbulb I heard the door bell.

"It must be Julia.."

I repaired the light bulb fast and headed to the door.

As I was looking on the window I could see a little kid disguised in a cute black suite,a long hair wig and a white blouse.

I couldn't see his face.

I opened the door and asked:

"Who are you supposeed to be?"

The kid answerd:


I gave him some candies and he left without saying a thing...not even a poor "thank you".

I was sitting on the couch when in a blink of an eye  "The Story Of Slenderman" passed through my mind.

I had known it for a very long time as all the kids had but the fact that children are really going into the woods to summon him is just so silly.

Suddenly,something disturbed the silence.

"That's rude..oh!
Stupid kid he had just touched my butt!"

"Julia you finally made it!"

"Well of course how could I leave my best friend alone on Halloween night?"

We were laughing as we were heading to the kitchen to grab some snaks.

"So,what should we do tonight? Of course,beside gossiping."

"Let's watch The Walking Dead" I said.

"I have a better idea! Let me go in your attic,look for that old movie that we both like "Jaws" and let's watch it!"

"Sounds good...I'm waiting down here."

"Be right back!"

As I was watching Julia going to the attic the light bulb began flickering again.

It stopped.

It didn't work.

I picked up the flashlight and I checked for a new one in the kitchen.

But then I remembered that I have some in the attic.

So I yelled at Julia to bring one as well.

She didn't answer.

I yelled again.

For a second I thought she was messing with me.

Then I went upstairs and I screamed at the top of my lungs!

Julia's face was ripped off.

There was blood everywhere!

The scene from the movie "The shining" popped into my head.

Desperate I went downstairs and called 911.

It didn't work.

I couldn't figure it out.

How did that happen?!



These type of questions were trying to keep me awake while I was dragged through the woods.

My eyes were closing slowly.

I was bleeding to death.

I didn't know what was happening.

Suddenly I was dropped into a hole in the middle of nowhere.

I was trying to look up but I coudn't see anything but a dark figure who was screaming out loud "I WON"!

Then that figure came out into the light of the shining moon and I could have seen a blond girl.

It was Julia!

But she...she was dead!

I saw her!

It can't be true!

That's impossible!

From behind her a groupe of people dressed in black robes showed up  congratulated her.

The last thing I heard that night was:

"You did the dare...Slenderman will be happy and give you what he promised...eternal life."

After a very long time I felt a light touch on my forehead.

I opened my eyes and I saw my mother and a lot of monitors beside me.

Then I realised that I was in hospital.

A female voice whispeared into my ear: "It's gonna be ok"

As I looked into that direction I saw Julia!

She was smiling like nothing had happened.

I screamed!

The doctors headed into the salon and  were calming me down while my mother explained to me that Julia found me into a hole in the middle of the woods bleeding to death and she called 911 and here I am.

They told us that I was trying to kill myself because I couldn't stand the dark and all the thoughts and seeing Julia killing me was all in my head and all of those people too!

I didn't know what to say!


It was just a dream!

I woke up and it is almost 6 p.m.

I think I have been watching "The 100" until the morning then I fell asleep.

Now it's 6:13 p.m

Halloween Eve

An usually rainy afternoon...........

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