
101 6 8

Genna POV

So most likely you thought this was an actual chapter! MWAHAHAHAHh

nope. In fact, this is just an Authors Note.

So, I've been a proud Ravenclaw for a while now, based off of pottermore and my own judgement, and I decided to really put that to the test. I took ten quizzes from different websites (sorry can't remember them, just type in 'Hogwarts house quiz' to bing and do the first 10, and I tallied my general score. I decided to put my pottermore one on there too, counting for 2 points since the Queen Rowling wrote it herself. This is what I got.

Ravenclaw: 6

Slytherin: 3

Hufflepuff: 2

Gryffindor: 1

so, to do the math right, I technically took 11 quizzes and one of them counted for 2.

I think that this makes sense. I am effortlessly a straight A student and a total bookworm, I also try to logic things out as much as possible and am kind of analytical. I am pretty ambitious and have manipulated people before so I kind of see the Slytherin spect. I always try to be kind and am VERY loyal to my friends, but I don't really identify with the Hufflepuffs as much as the Ravenclaws. As for Gryffindor, I'm not really the bravest person in the world, but I try to be pretty confident.

ANYWAYS. I suggest you guys try this method too because I think that it will give you the best possible actual sorting. Don't just take one quiz and call it good.

Also, my being a ravenclaw doesn't really effect how this story treats the other houses or anything, and is pretty unrelated to the story in general. We good? k.

Byeeeee ;)

thanks for wasting your time! :/

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