Elizabeths secret

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As soon as she pulled into Elizabeth's parents house, Adeline held her breath in anticipation.

She hopped off her hot pink motorcycle and starred up at the huge brick house. Walking up the sidewalk and up to the door she knocked.

Please answer she thought. It was almost midnight and barley anyone was awake on the block. All the lights were turned out and everything was in deadly silence.

A creepy chill rode up her back as her ring grew warmer. She knocked again. Then someone clicked back lock from behind the door. Mr. Greene, Elizabeth's dad answered. With a look of concern he let her in.

"Hello, Adeline what brings you here so late at night?" His voice was calm but Adeline could sense a bit of panic.

"Mr. Greene I haven't got much time, my grandma sent me here telling me you would know what to do." Adeline explained all what happened from getting home to school, to her grandma on the phone, and then on his door step.

"Im so sorry Adeline, I didn't think any thing like this should ever happen." He said his eyes wide.

"Just explain to me what this thing is and how I can use it to get my family back." She put her hand up in the air pointing to the silver moonstone ring.

It almost seemed like the thing was radiating in power the moonstone glowing a light gray.

"That ring has been in you're family for centuries, it has many powers that can be useful. With that ring you can change shape, recall memories almost anything. Except bring back the dead." He told her slowly as if she would blow up from taking it all in so fast.

"What do you mean by change shape exactly?" She replied with an astonished look at the ring.

"You can shape shift into any animal you please, the animal you know the best is the most powerful one."

A wolf. She thought, she had posters in her room of wolves. She'd always thought they were beautiful creatures. When she was small she asked for one.

Sure, you can have a wolf, but wouldn't you rather be one? You can be anything you want when you grow up Adeline, anything. Her dad had said giving little five year old Adeline a pat on her head, smiling broadly she hadn't understood what he meant but she shook her head.

"Okay, my grandma said you would know where to go first." Adeline recalled trying to act cool even though she had a bad case of the shakes. She gripped the side of the couch until her knuckles turned white. Stay calm.

"Yes, Elizabeth and you will go to the movie theater on Elmer's street." Adeline almost laughed.

"Uhh, okay? What movie are we seeing?" She joked. No time for jokes Adeline!

"Adeline think you're brother worked at the movie theaters that was the last place he was if he didn't go home first. You and Elizabeth should go there and look for clues."

"Sir, Elizabeth can't go my grandma said I needed to do this alone, and Elizabeth won't understand this." She waved her ring finger in the air.

Mr. Greene smiled "my daughter has the same power you do Adeline she was sent to go to school with you and look after you."

Adeline couldn't believe it this whole time her best friend actually had powers and she never told her! "What!"

The top of the stairs creaked loudly. "Dad is everything okay?" Elizabeth's groggy voice asked.

"Everything's fine sweetheart you need to come down your friends here." Elizabeth came down the stairs slowly as if in a trance or sleepwalk when she finally reached the bottom step she yawned and stretched spreading her arms out and peeking her eyes open to look a Adeline.

"Oh hello Adeline!" She said with a smirk.

Guys I am seriously getting so tired of writing so I'm just going to stop here. Yeah this was a boring chapter whatever.

Anyways so yeah sorry it took so long to write this I had to really think about it.  

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