1-Elena's First Day

Start from the beginning

"I'll be home at six, I love you. Bye." I kiss his lips before hearing his own goodbye and good luck. I exit our house, get into my car and make my way to the office.
When I get there, I'm over whelmed by the new sights I'm seeing. I nervously make my way to the publishing officer, which is where I was told to report to on arrival, and I knock on the door.
"Hi, come on in." A women, wearing a formal, fitted suit dress stands up as I step into the office. There are several other people in the room, who seem to be sorting through documents and placing them on the large desk.
"Hi," I say nervously before shaking her hand and following her over to the table.
"You're Elena, right? I'm Amanda, chief in publishing and editing of the journal newspaper." Her posture is dead straight, and her voice is heavy with superiority but also proudness.
"It's nice to meet you," I smile.
"So, you'll be our very important executive journalist and our demands on how many columns and articles we need a week will most definitely vary. Before I get you started, do you have any questions?" I shake my head as a no, a smile still present on my face due to the excitement that's filling my body.
"Well, it's a pleasure to have you on board, shall we?" She gestures and we both stand up. I followed her into a quite large office with two oak desks, both having computers and other desktop essentials. She directs me to the desk on the right, I sit down and listen as she goes over the basics. She briefly discusses the first column that she wants, telling me the 'dos and don'ts' of writing. I nod intently and before I know it, we're finishing up and she's leaving. I take in a deep breath before commencing with my first article.
Within the next few minutes a women runs in, panting like she's just ran a mile.
"Oh...hi...you must...be Elena...right?" She pants with a short, breathy laugh at the end.
"Yeah, I'm Elena. It's nice to meet you...?" I add a questioning tone to my voice because I don't actually know her name.
"Lexi, my name's Lexi," she says as we politely shake hands. We both let out an embarrassed laugh due to our formal gesture.
"So, are you excited to be working here?" She asks as she sits down and composes herself before getting to work.
"Yeah, I mean I'm kind of nervous as well to be honest," I say whilst keeping my eyes on the screen.
"Don't be nervous, nobody around here is very scary. Just watch Amanda, she can be a little bit," she says not needing to continue, I got the gist.
"Yeah, I've already met her. Although this is my dream job, and I'm not letting any of my nerves ruin it." She seems to agree, and we sit in a comfortable silence before she asks to know more about me. We tell each other simple things like our age, what shows we like to watch, if we've travelled anywhere or not.
"So, have you got a man at home?" She asks as I bite my lip. "Ooh! What's his name?" She exclaims as she notices my shy gesture.
"His name is Stefan, and he's the love of my life." She erupts in aw's after I say that. "How about you? Do you have a man at home?" I ask, suggestively raising my eyebrows.
"I do, his name is Brian, we've been together for two years." I smile and aw at her comment. "How long have you been with yours for?"
"Six years," I say, only now realising how long it's been.
"Wow Elena! And you're only 23? That's impressive," she says making me laugh.
"Aw, well we met in high school and hit it off with a few dates... I just knew he was the one after that," I smile shyly. She seems mesmerised by my short anecdote.
"Where does Brian work?" I ask interested.
"He works at the hospital, he specialises in cardiology. What about Stefan?" She smiles.
"Stefan's starting work at the hospital too! He's going to be working as a Neurologist but also specialising as a Paediatrician." She gasps at the fact that they'll both be working near one another. I chuckle at her reaction and continue with my work, I think I'm going to like it here...

The rest of the day went by fairly quickly, which was a pleasant surprise. I've missed my Stefan, I don't like being away from him for that long. Although I'm going to have to get used to it since we'll both be working full time jobs.
"Hey babe, I'm home." I shout as I walk through and close the door behind me.
"Hey, how was work?" I hear him call back. I follow his voice, and the gorgeous smell, into the kitchen. I see him there, he has his back to me and is standing by the cooker.
"It was surprisingly good, everyone was really nice," I say before wrapping my arms around his waist from behind. He releases his grip from the utensil he's holding and holds my hands instead.
"I'm glad to hear it. I missed you," he says whilst turning around in my arms.
"I missed you too, although I had fun talking about you today," I giggle.
"All good things I hope," he smirks at me and I have to resist laughing.
"Maybe, lots of things were said." I start to play with the buttons on his shirt as I playfully look up at him.
"Mhm," he says with a laugh. I subtly look to the side to see that he's making Chicken Parmesan.
"Aw you're cooking my favourite meal!" I state with surprise, thinking about how wonderful a boyfriend he is.
"Well I thought that you could use something special after your first day," he smiles, proud of himself.
"Aren't you just the best boyfriend ever?" I ask whilst walking over to discard my bag on the table.
"Can't deny that," he smirks. "So, why don't you go and get something comfy on, and by the time you're finished, this will be." I nod and kiss him once before leaving to go upstairs. I make my way up the stairs and enter our room, noticing that we should really hang some more pictures up. With all of the job hunting and medical school, we never really decorated to the extent that we both would've liked. Our bedroom however is just how we both like it, I'm glad it is because we spent ages working on it.
I take off my jacket and hang it back up in the wardrobe and change into the comfiest clothes we have: jogging bottoms and one of Stefan's t-shirts. Before leaving, I set my alarm for six for the next morning. How are we both going to survive getting up at six tomorrow? I think to myself with a laugh. When I come back down I'm greeted with a neatly set out table with two dishes, and of course my very happy looking boyfriend.
"Madame," he says pulling the chair out for me.
"Merci Monsieur," I reply, gently kissing him before I take my seat.

We talk and hold multiple conversations as we eat, Stefan mostly wanted to hear about how my day went. I told him about Lexi and about how her boyfriend works at the hospital, just like he does. We both laugh at the coincidence of it all.
When we're both finished, we wash and dry our dishes and utensils before making our way into the living room.
"What film do we watch?" I ask as I scroll through the movies we have. After returning from the kitchen, he sits down and snakes his arms around my waist. I love it when he does that, I love being able to cuddle up with him at night.
"What about Skyfall?" I ask stumbling across the James Bond movies.
"Sounds good to me," he says snuggling closer to me. He entwines our fingers together as I use my other hand to play with his hair. I pull a blanket over us and enjoy the film with the love of my life.
"I love you," he says before kissing my neck softly, I smile at his delicate touch and cuddle up to him closer.
"I love you too," I say with a smile lingering on my face. It doesn't take long before we both let sleep take over. It's been a tiring, but amazing day.

AN: So...how did you like it? I have some ideas for the story and I'm hoping to continue if you guys want me to. Please comment and vote, it will let me know if you guys are interested. I've already got chapters set out, and I've got some good ideas for the book.
Also, could you guys spread the word about my story? I'd appreciate all the feedback I can get!
-Chelsea x

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