30 yours in candor

Start from the beginning

Draco merely watched her in half amusement for she had always been a funny little thing and disbelief-- pure utter disbelief.

For someone who thought the story has just ended in tragedy, it was a shock that he was thrust right at the beginning.

He had to rely on invisible forces to hold him back from jumping at her and embracing her. It was to be reckoned with as he stood a stride away from her-- he could just reach out and touch her. So real, so close, so alive.

She frowned. "You're currently in the Hogwarts Express, if you don't know. I would have to report you though if you are trying to apparate but if it's only you practicing spells, I'd like to see it."

He nearly threw up. He just went back in time. True, he can still remember everything that has happened in the future but he is starting to forget the things that are supposed to happen at this particular moment. It can only mean one thing; he, Draco Lucius Malfoy, is changing history. The crystal locket was not simply a timeturner, it was something else. Nothing is exploding yet-- so that's good-- as they passed the usual sceneries.

"Fucking fine," he mumbled as he looked down at himself. He was shorter but his head is still full of platinum blonde hair. The only perk that can be found in the situation.

He looked again at the girl in front of him. She was reading the page that was yanked out of the journal. It earned a small smile from her and he wondered what he could possibly have written that had done that.

"You're quite possibly the most candid person I've ever met. That's very good. My name is Hermione Granger," she held out her hand to him. "You are supposed to shake it, Draco."

It was his turn to be baffled. "How did you know my name?" She merely handed him back the page torn from the journal.

My name is Draco. Would you like to be my friend?

Of all the things. Of all the pages. It had to be this. It's was the one written when he was in his most vulnerable. Heat run up his neck to his cheeks.

Hermione grabbed his free hand and shook it. She was warm and the touch so completely innocent that Draco can't help but shake her hand back. Soon enough they were grinning at each other with their palms touching. Her skin was as warm as sunshine and her smile even warmer.

He can't find the words.

"You can say 'Pleasure meeting you' or 'Glad to meet you' for future references," Hermione said as a matter-of-fact. "There's no need to be shy."

That made him chuckle even amidst the confusion. She was so real, it could not be a mirage. "Trust me that's the last thing I am," he smirked at her.

"Well," she said, unsure of what to say, for she doesn't know what he means. Draco could have smacked himself for forgetting that they are only eleven years old and he has to wait to throw innuendos like confetti on the regular. "I'm afraid that I have to go. A boy named Neville Longbottom just lost his toad and I'm helping him find it. I think you should put on your robes, we're almost there."

Don't go. Don't go. Don't go. Bad things happen whenever we part. Don't go. Don't go. Don't go!

He scoffed, "Don't tell me what to do, you're not a prefect." Get riled up. Come on. Get riled up for me.

Hermione opened her mouth and closed it again. She squinted her amber eyes at his face. Goal achieved. "Very well then, don't go crying to me when you start losing house points before you even get sorted."

"I'll be sorted in Slytherin and we never cry," Draco crossed his arms to his chest about to look down his nose at her before realizing that she was still an inch taller than him.

She upturned her button nose, it made him turn away to hide his smile. She's getting too competitive way too soon. "We'll see about that."

He held out his hand to her again.

She looked at him quizzically.

"You're supposed to shake it, Granger."

She opened her mouth in disbelief when her own line was used at her, "You're on."

Both shook on a bet that neither knew what would come out of.

But both just wanted to touch each other's hand again for unknown reasons.

Both will cross their fingers to be sorted in the same house.

But both will be disappointed.

Both will soon realize that they enjoyed competing against each other.

But both will also realize that they can't be seen together as friends.

Both found that they performed better when goaded by the other.

But both are not going to admit it.

One will go on a quest with the Boy Who Lived to be written in the history books.

While the other continues to rewrite the story.


Edit: if y'all are wondering about the underlines it's the unbiased narrative because it may be third pov but it's heavily biased on Draco and how he sees things therefore the underlined lines to differentiate because the italized are his thoughts and the bold italized are the written words. :)

Yes, this chapter is fucking short. Yes, we are sorry. But guys, we absolutely promise you that this will be the last of this short ass chapters because we are working on chapter 31 at the moment and it's pretty long. We've been estimating the other chapters as well and gotta say, pretty lengthty :) Yes, I've been awfully busy and the lyrics FourFiveSeconds has never made as much sense to me as now. Christ.

Song up top is 'First Day of My Life' by Bright Eyes. My gawd the emotion in this song is too frigging much.

Dedicated to @censoredentity ! Hey gurl hey! I've been noticing her lately in the comments sections! Shoutout to all the new readers that added this in their reading lists and voting for all the chapters, sorry I'm not able to thank everyone like the olden days. >__<

Yours in Mayhem |DramioneWhere stories live. Discover now