It's not like I mind if Kenma asks her to the dance... right?



"Oh! Cosette-chan~! How was music?"

"I... don't really know," Cosette said sheepishly, "but it helps knowing at least one of you guys will be waiting for me outside the room."

"Wasn't it Mori-kun's turn today? Why isn't he with you?"

"Kenma had to talk to him..."

"I see..." Naomi tilted her head curiously, but let it slide as she linked arms with her friend. "So, apparently the dance part of the premier is optional, even for cast members. But... you're still going, right?"

Cosette averted her gaze to the ground, unsure. "I don't usually like big social gatherings like that, Naomi..."

"But you have to go!"


"Because... I'm not the only one who wants you to."


"Look, just, come, alright? We can go and look for a dress later, or something."

Cosette looked at her friend with a small frown, but sighed, defeated. "Okay, okay, I'll come..."



"I bet she's not worried about who's taking her to the dance, then, huh?" said a familiar voice, and the two turned around.

"S-Seira-chan?!" Naomi's eyes widened.

"We aren't on first-name basis anymore. So don't call me that."

Cosette's eyes narrowed. "No, I couldn't care less if I wasn't asked to the dance," she said icily, taking a step forward, "but maybe you do, because the one person you want to ask you doesn't talk to you anymore."

"Cosette-chan, I think it's better to---"

"You did not just say that."

"I don't know why you're still talking to us. I thought we weren't friends."

"Well, I---"

"If you're going to apologize, save it."

"I wasn't going to apologize!" Seira cried. "Because that would mean forgiving you, and---"

"What do you have to forgive me for? My non-existent relationship with Kuroo?"

"That's what you always say. Non-existent relationship with any of the guys. You're one dense, clueless---"

"Onishi-chan," Naomi cut in quietly, taking a step forward. "You have a right to be jealous, because maybe the two of them seem closer than you and Kuroo might ever be. But if you're going to take that out on her like it's her fault, don't. It's not her fault. It's not her fault that maybe she's more interesting than you are."

Seira looked at her in shock. "How can you take her side?! How can you take her side, when you're so obviously losing against her, too?!"

"Losing...?" Cosette frowned, glancing back at her classmate.

"...Because it isn't her fault that Morisuke pays more attention to her, either," Naomi said quietly.

The blonde's eyes widened slightly. I... never noticed... but she's right...

"And if you don't understand that friendship is more important than whatever you might be jealous of..." she looked directly at Seira, her expression hard, "then just go away. And don't bother talking to us again."

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