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it was a night shoot again, and i was glad it was. i endured watching jin kiss jimin, and i endured their touches and laughs.

today, it would end.

after the photo shoot was done, people started packing up and leaving. i waited until jimin and jin were ready to go, and when they were leaving, i packed up my bag and walked behind them.

jimin ended up taking a bus, and jin was on his own, which was absolutely perfect. he whistled while he walked, oblivious to what was going to happen next.

he then stopped and turned back to see no one there. "who's there?" he asked.

he started walking faster, while i matched his pace. i started running and he heard my footsteps, which made him start running.

he then tripped on a broken glass bottle and fell down, frantically looking around his dark surroundings. "who's there!" he shouted.

i dropped my bag and pulled out a bat, walking closer to him. he didn't see me, but screamed when i swung the bat on his abdomen. i continued hitting him on his abdomen until blood started coming from his nose and mouth.

"s-stop.." he gasped as i smiled. i stooped to his level and his eyes widened. "y-yoongi?"

"hi." with that i kicked his head and continued hitting him with all the anger that had consumed me.

he was a nice guy, he was innocent, but he just messed with the wrong person.

after, i pulled his motionless body away and dumped it into the trash, where it belonged.

obsession | myg; pjmजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें