And laugh she did. It was a funny thing that she would automatically assume that Graham was her boyfriend. Emma did suppose that it must have sounded like that upon talking about him. She didn't exactly make it clear that he was just a friend.

Oh, little did Ms. Mills know about her.

"No, no he isn't." The blonde chuckled, taking a few deep breaths to calm herself down. "He's like a brother to me, actually." And I'm totally gay, so no, he isn't my boyfriend, she added silently.

"Oh! I do apologize for assuming." The corner of the teacher's mouth slightly turned upwards, her entire face filled with something that of mortification.

"It's alright," she shrugged nonchalantly, but wore a slightly smug smile. "Anything else you wanna know?"

"Yes. Tell me, please, what made you decide that you want to join the police force? I'm intrigued to learn."

Emma bit her lip. Really, she didn't want to answer that question. At least not yet. Sure, she had talked to her about things before, and yeah, she wrote stories that were vaguely based upon her life. But voicing these things made them real for the blonde and she'd really rather not want to lose her cool in front of her favorite teacher.

So she decided to dance around the complete truth and stick with a more general explanation.

"Like I had said before, I wanna take those bastards off the street, the ones that can just get away with stuff. Like, really bad stuff. There are all kinds of sickos still running around because people don't have enough evidence pinned on them to throw their asses in jail and it's ridiculous. I want to squeeze the information out of those jerks and, after I'd be through with them, they'd want me to throw their asses in jail. People like... Never mind." she shrugged and leaned back against her chair once again, slightly slumping into it.

"I understand..." And Ms. Mills looked like she really did understand, because she had that thoughtful expression on her face, that one where she's just analyzing what Emma had just said. Emma sometimes caught the brunette making that face when other staff members were talking to her, although, she also had a bit of a bored expression on then. Now... Right now, it was nothing but pure, unadulterated fascination.

"Also, I think it'd be pretty cool to carry a gun around." The blonde flashed a cheeky smirk, trying to lighten the mood that had somehow darkened.

"Yes. I suppose that would be nice." Ms. Mills smiled. "So, you said that you would be going to Boston? Is your friend going to take you or your parents?"

"Oh, neither." The blonde shrugged, then grinned. "Mary Margaret said if I got all A's this year, she'd give me her old Bug. I'll be taking that and, then, I won't be stuck wherever I'm at all the time."

"That's nice of her." She grinned. "How are your grades so far, if you don't mind my asking?"

Emma shrugged. "I don't mind. And, uh... I guess I'm doing pretty good. But I think I'm falling a bit behind in Gov. Those tests get me."

"Oh? Well, if you do need help with your government class, I would be more than happy to help. That was one of my favorite subjects- aside from English and literature." Ms. Mills offered, finishing up her lunch with a few swift bites.

"Really? I'd appreciate that." The blonde's face instantly lit up. She had been quite worried about her grade in that class. It was a pretty easy course, but it was poorly taught and the information didn't stick. She knew only half the answers on the test and had to guess on the others.

"It's really no problem, dear."

"You should tell me why you decided to become a teacher." Emma suddenly said, once again sitting up to meet the teacher's chocolate gaze. "Since I told you my reason."

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